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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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RECORDING - Age-Friendly Housing Series Session 2: Late Life Homelessness and Affordable Housing

CORE Alberta

You can find the session recording HERE.  Please find the slide deck shared during the event attached.  The CORE Age-Friendly Group hosted their second session in the Age-Friendly Housing Series on March 23, 2022! This session provided participants with a picture of what homelessness for se

Accounting for the Diverse Experiences of Older Immigrants in Today’s America

Melanie Z. Plasencia, Generations American Society on Aging

Read on for an American perspective on aging issues for older immigrants which are likely similar to the Canadian context. "Today, older foreign-born immigrants make up more than 13% of the total older adult population and are expected to increase to 22 million by 2060. Within this population, two

UK Evaluation Study Articulates the Importance of CBSS Organizations in Healthy Aging

Centre for Ageing Better

This evaluation of the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks explores how community organizations contribute to healthy aging. The Leeds Neighbourhood Network is made up of 37 community groups that provide a wide range of opportunities, activities, and services. They are made up of local schemes that aim to

Poison Prevention Week - Safe Storage Prevents Poisoning

Injury Prevention Centre

This year for National Poison Prevention Week, March 20 - 26, 2022, the Injury Prevention Centre (IPC), the Poison and Drug Information Service (PADIS), Alberta Health Services, and community partners are encouraging Albertans to take steps to safely store all poisons in and around their homes. All

It’s Complicated: Nonprofit Organizations and Wage Equity

Nonprofit Quarterly

The nonprofit sector has a long, complex relationship with compensation. With a workforce that in the author's home state of Minnesota is roughly three-quarters female and traditions of low wages these days, nonprofit workers are proving unwilling to accept second-class status. While the historical

Ingredients for a Healthier Tomorrow

Dieticians of Canada

This March, dietitians across Canada are coming together to share how they can support Canadians and make their futures a healthier one. From food security to food literacy and food sovereignty, to sustainable food choices, and nutrition care and prevention, dietitians from across Canada are unloc

Healthy Eating Starts Here

Alberta Health Services

Alberta Health Services offers information on nutrition, including education materials, workshops and classes, dietician services, and healthy eating resources. Access checklists for choosing healthy, nutrient-rich foods, and learn more about how healthy eating is an important lifestyle behaviour t

Double-Duty Caregivers: How Have They Been Affected by COVID-19?

University of Alberta

Are you caring for a child or adult who is ill, disabled, frail, or elderly? Are you also working in health care? Dr. Jasneet Parmar and her research team from the University of Alberta are inviting family caregivers who are also working in healthcare to participate in a survey to understand the im

A Portrait of Canadians Who Have Been Homeless

Statistics Canada

This study was funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE). Using data from the 2018 Canadian Housing Survey, this study first examines the characteristics of Canadians who, while they are now responsible for housing decisions within their household, had previously experienced unsheltered or


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