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Groups are where CORE participants can share information and stories, ask questions, learn, and collaborate. Open discussion groups can be accessed by any member of CORE; closed groups are available by invitation only. A few of our groups are looking for group leaders from across the province!

Current Callouts:​​

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness group - has had capacity changes this year, and the current leads are retiring. With this ever-increasing issue, this important group is looking for new leads to step in.

Immigrant Senior Sector Connections group- is a few months old and is building their Alberta footprint. If you serve immigrant older adults, we are looking for your voice as a general member, occasional volunteer, or even a group (co)lead!

Social Connection, Wellness, and Mental Health group - This valuable and dynamic group is looking for additional group leads to collaborate!

Intergenerational CoP group - is now doing work on a NATIONAL level! If you do intergeneration work come join us!

We need you! Join a Group below!

Whatever your capacity level, there is a place for you on CORE Alberta.

If you would like to talk more about group leadership, please contact us!

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Provincial Assisted Transportation Project

The Provincial Assisted Transportation Project group is a Community of Practice space for *funded partners* of the project to be able to share and access resources and information. This is a *closed*


Provincial Home Supports Project

The Provincial Home Supports Project Group is a Community of Practice space for *funded partners* of the project to be able to share and access resources and information. This is a *closed* group for


Community Partners in Action (CPIA)

CPIA coalition engages community to seek out/implement grassroots solutions for rural communities.


Immigrant Senior Sector Connections

Increasing collaboration/connection of service providers who work with AB immigrant and refugee seniors.


Men's Sheds Alberta

Creating awareness of Men’s Sheds in Alberta and how to start a Men’s Shed in communities across Alberta


Provincial Social Prescribing Funded Project

*Closed group* for funded agencies of the provincial social prescribing project to share resources and information relevant for implementation in their community.


Social Prescribing

A space to share resources relevant to best practices for social prescribing in Alberta.


Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Older Adults in Alberta

Working collaboratively to support communities to prepare older adults for disasters and emergencies.


Connecting People & Community for Living Well

A repository where CPCLW meeting invites, recordings, and resources shared during meetings are stored.


Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.

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