Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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[Webinar Recording] How diet and wellness are connected for older adults - SCWMH Group Partner Meeting
Social Connection, Wellness, Mental Health CORE Group
How diet and wellness are connected for older adults
[Resource] National Caregiving Strategy
Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence
A National Caregiving Strategy for Canada contains actionable public policy solutions to address the biggest challenges faced by caregivers, care recipients and care providers across Canada.
[Toolkit] Sharing Our Space: A Toolkit for Developing and Enhancing Intergenerational Shared Sites
Generations United
Sharing Our Space: A Toolkit for Developing and Enhancing Intergenerational Shared Sites is the new online resource developed by Generations United in partnership with The Eisner Foundation.Designed for individuals and organizations interested in creating an intergenerational shared site or strength
(Resource) Heart and Stroke Resources
Here are a variety of Heart and Stroke Resources for older adults.
[Toolkit] Expansion of Messaging on Vision Health and Ageing
For older people, vision impairment can lead to loss of function, limited independence, social isolation, and overall declines in health, yet there is a lack of alignment amongst vision and ageing sectors and limited resources to describe the influence of vision on ageing and vice versa to support engagement of key stakeholders.
Toolkit: Engaging Men in Older Adult Centres
Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario (OACAO)
Research has shown that older men are less likely to socialize regularly, face a higher risk of mortality related to social isolation than women and men 65+ have one of the highest suicide rates. Many men see work as being central in shaping and sustaining their identity, so retirement can be a toug
[Info Sheet] Fall Risk & Medications
Finding Balance
An info sheet on Fall Risk and Medications and how to prevent falls in older adults by monitoring medications.
Let’s Talk About Ageism – Toolkit
Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council
A Toolkit to Start the Conversation
[Report] Engaging Older Women in Your Community: A Promising Practices Guide for Women’s and Senior Serving Organizations
Canadian Centre for Elder Law
Engaging Older Women in your Community is a promising practices tool developed as an outcome of the Older Women’s Dialogue Project (OWDP). The publication is intended to support your agency to anticipate and address structural barriers to the participation of older women in community initiatives aimed at legal and policy change. We include key questions to explore, tips for enhancing organizational capacity to include older women, and examples from our experience throughout the OWDP.
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