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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Fact Sheet: Social Prescribing and Caregivers

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

These pertinent resources offer facts, statistics, and evidence on the impact and benefits of social prescribing across diverse populations and prescriptions.

Fact Sheet: Social Prescribing: Strengthening Canada’s Health Care Landscape

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

These pertinent resources offer facts, statistics, and evidence on the impact and benefits of social prescribing across diverse populations and prescriptions.

[Video] Millennials Show Us What "Old" Looks Like | Disrupt Aging


What age do you consider to be old? We posed that question to millennials in this social experiment and asked them to show us what “old” looks like. Then we introduced them to some real “old” people.

[Resource] Healthy Aging Alberta Annual Report- 2023-2024

Healthy Aging Alberta

Read the Healthy Aging Alberta 2023-2024 Annual Report to learn more about the impact we are making on Alberta.

[Recording] Diverse Intergenerational Mentorship Circles

Intergenerational Linkages CoP

Creating inclusive circles and spaces for diverse Youth and Seniors

[Resource] Understanding racialised older adults’ experiences of the Canadian healthcare system, and codesigning solutions: protocol for a qualitative study in nine languages

BMJ Open

We aim to (1) describe what role(s) RIOAs are/are not taking in their own healthcare, from the perspectives of participant groups (RIOAs, caregivers and healthcare providers (HCPs)); and (2) develop a codesign process with these participants, creating linguistically aligned and culturally aligned tools, resources or solutions to support patient engagement with RIOAs.

[Report] A Conversation with People Impacted by Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia


Dementia, often misunderstood and shrouded in stereotypes, impacts individuals in diverse ways. This report aims to shed light on these variances, exploring how those living with dementia navigate their lives, the support systems they rely on, and their aspirations; to unearth not just the challenges they face but also the opportunities for joy, independence, and dignity in their everyday lives.

[Recording] Including People Living with Dementia - Intergenerational Linkages CoP

Intergenerational Linkages Community of Practice CORE Group

How Intergenerational initiatives are including and supporting older adults with Dementia

[Recording] Connecting People and Community for Living Well - December Partners' Meeting

Connecting People and Community for Living Well CORE Group

These Partners' Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in supporting seniors and other underserved populations to live well in the community, and you may attend any or all of the series as your schedule permits.


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