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CANADA | Mar 03, 2025

[Video] 2025 Men's Sheds Canada Impact Video

A key priority of Men's Sheds Canada is to raise awareness and support for the Men's Shed movement and its impact on men, families, and communities across Canada. MSC envisions a Canada where every man feels valued and engaged in his community, experiencing purpose, belonging, and well-being in his


[News] Shingles Awareness Week

Shingles: A Preventable Pain Too Many Older Canadians Still Suffer

[Survey] Aging rights are human rights

We are looking for participants for a research study on human rights. We are looking for older adults, organizations, industry partners and decision makers in your area.Participations includes:Consent

[Blog] Being one with nature: The effects of forest therapy

Fresh air, rich soil, bustling wildlife, and trees, trees, and more trees. Being in a forest environment can have us feeling one with nature and miles away from the concrete jungles in which many of us live. To be more exact, currently, over 4 billion people across the world call cities home – a stark change from the smaller community-based living that was dominant throughout much of our history (1).

[News] New Horizons in Medicine: Why Art, Science, and Nature Might Be What the Doctor Orders

Julia Hotz is a solutions focused journalist based in New York. Her stories have appeared in The New York Times, WIRED, Scientific American, The Boston Globe, Time, and more. She helps other jour

[News] The Importance of Play for Adults

Playing is just as important for adults as it is for children. Among its many benefits, adult play can boost your creativity, sharpen your sense of humor, and help you cope better with stress.

[News] NIA announces the launch of Pension Centre of Excellence

NIA announces the launch of Pension Centre of Excellence

[News] Alzheimer's Awareness Month 2025: Understanding, preventing, and supporting those affected

January is Alzheimer's Awareness Month in Canada. It is a time dedicated to raising awareness about Alzheimer's disease, understanding its impact on individuals and families, and exploring ways to reduce the risk of developing the condition. This month serves as an important reminder to educate ourselves, support research, and take action to promote brain health at every stage of life.

[News/Video] 'Men's Shed' providing a supportive space for Innisfail men

The group Men's Shed Canada is providing spaces for men to bond over their life experiences, socialize and work on projects that benefit their communities.


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