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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Resource] Social determinants of health and risk of dementia among older men and women: A 12-year cohort study in Australia

Alzheimer's Assocation

Social determinants of health (SDH) are recognized as contributing factors to cognitive disorders, but their collective influence on dementia risk remains unclear.

[Webinar Recording] Intergenerational Linkages CoP- Event- Social Prescribing

Intergenerational Linkages CoP

special presenters from the Alberta Social Prescribing Program talk to us about how Social Prescribing to Intergenerational initiatives benefits Older Adults

Fact Sheet: Social Prescribing and Older Adults

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

These pertinent resources offer facts, statistics, and evidence on the impact and benefits of social prescribing across diverse populations and prescriptions.

Fact Sheet: Social Prescribing and Caregivers

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

These pertinent resources offer facts, statistics, and evidence on the impact and benefits of social prescribing across diverse populations and prescriptions.

Fact Sheet: Social Prescribing and Mental Health

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

These pertinent resources offer facts, statistics, and evidence on the impact and benefits of social prescribing across diverse populations and prescriptions.

Fact Sheet: Social Prescribing and Children and Youth Mental Health

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

These pertinent resources offer facts, statistics, and evidence on the impact and benefits of social prescribing across diverse populations and prescriptions.

Fact Sheet: Social Prescribing: Strengthening Canada’s Health Care Landscape

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

These pertinent resources offer facts, statistics, and evidence on the impact and benefits of social prescribing across diverse populations and prescriptions.

[Resource] National Caregiving Strategy

Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence

A National Caregiving Strategy for Canada contains actionable public policy solutions to address the biggest challenges faced by caregivers, care recipients and care providers across Canada.

[Resource] Social determinants and inequities in health for Black Canadians: A Snapshot

Government of Canada

The following snapshot aims to highlight how Anti-Black racism and systemic discrimination are key drivers of health inequalities faced by diverse Black Canadian communities.


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