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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Five ways women can champion their own health

University of Alberta

In this article, Gillian Rutherford shares how, "Gender disparities and gender roles — such as how much time you spend doing housework, whether you are a child’s primary caregiver and whether you have emotional support at home — add up to extra stress that affects women disproportionately, con

The Future of Fundraising: Where To From Here? Field Study Report

Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations has commissioned KCI in producing a field study to better understand the current and emerging trends in the philanthropic environment in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region over the next three to five years.

CAGP/CCSMH Seniors' Mental Health Outstanding Care and Integrative Practice Award

Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry

This award is in recognition of an individual, team, service or program leading outstanding seniors’ mental healthcare and integrative practice models, such as: interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaboration, integration of mental and physical health care, and/or support systems integration

Budget 2022 and Community Prosperity in Alberta: Initial Analysis from CCVO

Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

In this preliminary analysis, Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations shares their insights into how Alberta Budget 2022-23 affects the work of Alberta's community nonprofits. READ MORE HERE

fACT Sheet — 2022 Alberta Provincial Budget

Edmonton Social Planning Council

The 2022 Alberta Provincial Budget fACT Sheet coverse the final year of the budget under the current government. Edmonton Social Planning Council breaks down what is relevant to social programs, especially for thsoe living with a low income or in poverty. Learn more about the impacts of funding on

Bringing the Voices of Canadian Seniors Together in the Fight Against Influenza

International Federation on Ageing

The Bringing the Voices of Canadian Seniors Together in the Fight Against Influenza project gathered important views from Canadian seniors about the barriers to influenza vaccination for the first time. The project findings include: The importance of prioritizing and implementing a life-course

Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate

Health Canada

Climate change is already affecting the health of Canadians and, without taking concerted action, will continue to result in injury, illness, and death — with greater warming comes greater health risks. Many of these health impacts can be prevented if Canada rapidly and substantially scales up eff

RECORDING - Age-Friendly Housing Series Session 1: Setting the Stage for Seniors Housing

CORE Alberta

You can access the recording HERE.  Please find the slide deck shared during the event attached.  The CORE Age-Friendly Group launched their Age-Friendly Housing Series with their first session on Feb. 23, 2022! This session focused on setting the stage for seniors housing, showcased why th

Social prescribing: Bridging the gap between clinical and social care

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

For people suffering from various ailments, the issues may not always be related to physical health. As more people seek professional help, treatments may extend to mental health care and other "social prescriptions". This popular concept in the United Kingdom is coming to Canada to enable patients


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