Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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Social Prescribing in Canada: Bridging the Gap Between Health and Social Care
Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing
This report provides an overview of current social prescribing developments in Canada, examining its implementation, challenges, and successes across diverse geographies through key regional initiatives and case studies.
[Recorded Webinar] A Prescription for Change: Celebrating Social Prescribing Day in Alberta
Healthy Aging Alberta
key outcomes from Year 2 of Healthy Aging Alberta’s social prescribing programs
[Resource] National Caregiving Strategy
Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence
A National Caregiving Strategy for Canada contains actionable public policy solutions to address the biggest challenges faced by caregivers, care recipients and care providers across Canada.
[Video] Antidotes for Ageism
Changing the Narrative
Ageism is a real problem everywhere, including in healthcare. It isn’t just wrong; it has impacts on our health, lifespan and economy. That’s why, in partnership with the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, Changing the Narrative created" Antidotes for Ageism: A brief guide to creating inclusive care in an ageist society. (Running time: approximately 16 minutes)
[Video] Millennials Show Us What "Old" Looks Like | Disrupt Aging
What age do you consider to be old? We posed that question to millennials in this social experiment and asked them to show us what “old” looks like. Then we introduced them to some real “old” people.
[Video] TEDTalk: Let's End Ageism
Ashton Applewhite
It's not the passage of time that makes it so hard to get older. It's ageism, a prejudice that pits us against our future selves -- and each other. Ashton Applewhite urges us to dismantle the dread and mobilize against the last socially acceptable prejudice. "Aging is not a problem to be fixed or a disease to be cured," she says. "It is a natural, powerful, lifelong process that unites us all."
[Resource] National Caregiving Strategy
Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence
A National Caregiving Strategy for Canada contains actionable public policy solutions to address the biggest challenges faced by caregivers, care recipients and care providers across Canada.
[Report] Social Prescribing Training Needs and Opportunities in Canada: Survey Findings and Early Insights
Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing
In Spring 2024, the Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing (CISP) partnered with Siân Brand from the UK’s Social Prescribing Network to assess social prescribing (SP) training and support needs in Canada.As part of this effort, a survey was conducted to identify the core competencies, supervis
[Resource] Healthy Aging Alberta Annual Report- 2023-2024
Healthy Aging Alberta
Read the Healthy Aging Alberta 2023-2024 Annual Report to learn more about the impact we are making on Alberta.
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.