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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Recording] Intergenerational Linkages CoP- Cafe- Ageism

Intergenerational Linkages CoP

We discussed experiences and how Agism shows up in your life or your initiatives, and how Intergenerational programming can influence changes

[Recording] Connecting People and Community for Living Well - October Monthly Partners' Meeting

Connecting People and Community for Living Well Group

Protect Your Assets

[Resource] Inclusive Research Guidebook: Engaging People Living With Dementia From Ethno-Racial Communities

Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program

Inclusive Dementia Research Guidebook

[Report] Engaging Older Women in Your Community: A Promising Practices Guide for Women’s and Senior Serving Organizations

Canadian Centre for Elder Law

Engaging Older Women in your Community is a promising practices tool developed as an outcome of the Older Women’s Dialogue Project (OWDP). The publication is intended to support your agency to anticipate and address structural barriers to the participation of older women in community initiatives aimed at legal and policy change. We include key questions to explore, tips for enhancing organizational capacity to include older women, and examples from our experience throughout the OWDP.

[Report] Economic abuse among senior immigrant women: Literature and research report


Senior immigrant women occupy intersecting identities of gender, age and immigration. Each of these have been known to impact experiences of gender-based violence and help seeking. Furthermore, these intersections can create specific risk factors related to economic abuse. This report examines the dynamics and experiences of economic abuse among senior immigrant women. The first part of this report explores the existing literature on economic abuse among senior immigrant women. The second part of this report contains findings from community-based research undertaken with service providers and senior immigrant women with lived experience of economic abuse.

[Resource] Systems Map Community Campaign Kit

Healthy Aging Alberta

The Systems Map Community Campaign Kit contains email templates and newsletter and social media content that organizations can share with their own partners and networks.

[Resource] Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging Research Initiative

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Towards Healthy Brain Aging

[Resource] Retirement Hub

Government of Canada

Learn and plan for your retirement


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