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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Report] Experiences of gender-based violence among disabled women: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis

Government of Canada

Women with disabilities encounter a high risk of violence, especially in Canada.

[Report] The State of Mental Health in Canada 2024


Visit the reportIn Canada, mental health is a privilege. It should be a right.We aren’t expected to pay for life-saving cancer care so why are we paying for life-saving mental health care?CMHA’s report, The State of Mental Health in Canada 2024, is a first-of-its-kind deep dive into the landsca

Essential Resources for Socially Connected Communities

Healthy Places By Design

A collection of the best resources on Socially Connected Communities curated by Healthy Places By Design.

[Podcast] Examining our expectations of respite care: setting ourselves up for success when it comes to maximizing our respite experiences and outcomes (Episode 97)

Caregiver's Compass

expectations and realities of respite care and how we can maximize this truly valuable time so we can come back home refreshed and content.

Social prescribing connects people to opportunities that support their well-being

Toronto Star - Dean Lisk

In this article, Natasha Beaudin, Social Prescribing Project Lead at Alliance for Healthier Communities, explains how social prescribing enhances health holistically by addressing social and cultural needs. Examples include creative writing drop-ins, walking groups, and culturally specific programs.

[Recording] Connecting People and Community for Living Well - November Partners' Meeting

Connecting People and Community for Living Well Group

These Partners' Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in supporting seniors and other underserved populations to live well in the community, and you may attend any or all of the series as your schedule permits.

[Recording] Healthy Relationships As We Grow Older

Healthy Aging Alberta and Carya Ethno-cultural Elder Abuse Project

explore the concept of healthy relationships as a foundation for well-being in later life while addressing the challenges posed by unhealthy dynamics, including older adult mistreatment.

[Recording] Info Session on the Safe Spaces Initiative

CORE Elder Abuse Group and AEAAC

Safe Spaces Initiative provides supportive temporary housing for older adults at risk of abuse or living in situations of abuse, ensuring they have access to essential support services, such as healthcare and safety planning

[Recording] Special Needs Assistance for Seniors

Seniors Division, Government of Alberta

Webinar: Special Needs Assistance for SeniorsDate hosted: November 27, 2024Join the Seniors Division's Community Programs team from the Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services as we present information on the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors program.This 60 minute session will provide


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