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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Understanding the impact of COVID-19: Addressing structural barriers that are widening inequities and exacerbating vulnerability

Vibrant Communities Calgary

Vibrant Communities Calgary (VCC) and the University of Calgary released a new study reporting on the experiences of Calgarians living in low income as they cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding the Impact of COVID-19: Addressing Structural Barriers that are Widening Inequities and Exacerb

Boston PomPod: A Virtual Co-working Experiment

Danielle Coates-Connor, Nonprofit Quarterly

In the Before Times, early 2020, working in-person was a given for the majority of people. Yet for me and many of my friends, virtual work was already the norm, and we were developing a co-working space in Boston because we needed social connection in our remote work. After months of meeting and exp

Thematic Innovation Ecosystem on Mental Health - Isolation

European Connected Health Alliance

Speaking at the Thematic Innovation Ecosystem on Mental Health last month, Ian Spero, founder of Agile Ageing Alliance, lays bare the the health implications of social isolation. Watch this extract from the event to learn more about what we’re doing to bring generations together. WATCH HERE

Healthy Weight Gain for Older Adults

VHA Home Healthcare

Good nutrition and a healthy body weight are critical to maintaining your well-being and independence as you age. We know that obesity or a high body mass index (BMI) is a leading risk factor for diabetes, heart disease and other health conditions, but a low BMI in seniors can also increase your ris

Join the Compassionate Communities Movement

The Covenant Health Palliative Institute

The Covenant Health Palliative Institute is looking for help building Compassionate Companies, Communities and Workplaces in preparation for and during times of health crisis and personal loss. This is an opportunity to shape the development of two Alberta Health-funded projects aimed at raising aw

5 Minutes on Frailty - Optimizing Medication

Canadian Frailty Network

Optimizing medications is an important way to reduce the risk or impacts of frailty. Pharmacists Sadaf Faisal and Tejal Patel discuss the importance of regular medication reviews, and how medication relates to frailty. WATCH HERE

Frailty: Assessment, Mitigation & Prevention Module

Canadian Frailty Network

The module will explore the concept of frailty: a condition of reduced function and health in older individuals that increases the odds of developing multiple medical conditions and affects an individual’s ability to perform activities in their daily lives. This module will provide certified Cont

Reducing Caregiver Stress

Alzheimer Society

As a caregiver, you need to take care of yourself. You are the most important person in the life of someone living with dementia. There are things you can do to help maintain your health and well-being. Learn about the importance of reducing stress, how to recognize its warning signs, and review t

Aging in your smart home while preserving your privacy

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

More and more smart technologies are making their way into our homes. These technologies bring together a variety of electrical devices intended for our homes, whether electronic locks that can be programmed or video doorbells that can be managed remotely, air-quality sensors, smart light bulbs that


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