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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Freedom to Care - Managing Your Volunteers

Government of Alberta

It’s important to help your volunteers have a rewarding and productive volunteer experience. There are a number of tools and resources available to assist you with this, such as: scope of duties – a detailed, clear description of a volunteer’s role and responsibilities volunteer liability

RECORDING - Expanding Home Care Options in Canada

Institute for Research on Public Policy

In the next 20 years, Canada’s population aged 75 and older is expected to double in size. As the population of older adults grows, so too will the demand for care in institutions, as well as at home ─ where over 90 per cent of Canadians have stated they prefer to age. But the share of funding

How to recognize and report signs of abuse

McMaster University

Did you know that in Canada, it is estimated that between 4% and 10% of people over 65 live in situations of abuse and neglect? According to the World Health Organization, elder abuse is: "a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an e

Healthy Aging For Older Adults: Living Your Best Life | Dr. Adrian Wagg

Kerby Centre

Kerby Centre presents: Infectious Disease, Immunization, and Staying Healthy in Mind & Body online series featuring experts to share insights in their respective medical areas. Presented by: Dr. Adrian Wagg, AHS Professor of Healthy Aging Division Director, Geriatric Medicine University of Albe

Canada’s Financial Literacy Month

Tamarack Institute

November 1, 2021, marked the beginning of Canada’s 11th Financial Literacy Month. The month is part of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s efforts to make the financial ecosystem more accessible, inclusive and effective for all Canadians. Making a change that counts This year’s campai

Report: Affordable Lifetime Pension Income for a Better Tomorrow

National Institute on Ageing & Global Risk Institute

A new report published by the National Institute on Ageing (NIA) and the Global Risk Institute (GRI), explains why Dynamic Pension (DP) pools are urgently needed to make retirement income security possible for millions of Canadian seniors.

Seeking Support: The Future of Employee Health

The Conference Board of Canada

Organizations are at increased risk for disengagement and turnover because their benefits plans do not meet most Canadians’ needs. Discover the top benefits that Canadians really want from their employers. Document Highlights For Seeking Support: The Future of Employee Health, employees across C

CourAGE: Action for Better Aging

SE Health, Covenant

Executive Summary:  The approach to care of older adults in Canada is not sustainable and not what today’s aging population wants. This challenge transcends the health sector, involving every aspect of our lives. A bold and practical road map is needed, as is a strong consensus on action and

Aging & Thriving In the 21st Century Report

Institute for Community Prosperity

James Stauch, the Institute for Community Prosperity and ATCO Group invite you to read our most recent publication Aging & Thriving in the 21st Century: A Scan and Selective Systems Analysis of Issues, Trends, and Innovations Vital to Older Adults in Canada. As Canada’s population ages, our


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