Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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Research Update: Taking stock at the one-year mark: The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 in Canada
Edmonton Social Planning Council
The year-in-review report COVID-19 in Canada: A One-Year Update on Social and Economic Impacts was published by Statistics Canada in March 2021 using statistical information provided by Canadian citizens, businesses, governments, and other institutions.
The report provides a snapshot of the socio-e
Relationship between the Ownership Status of Nursing Homes and Their Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Literature Review
Florien M. Kruse , Jasmine C. Mah, Sanne J. J. P. M. Metsemakers, Melissa K. Andrew, Samir K. Sinha, Patrick P.T. Jeurissen, Journal of Long-Term Care
Context: Some nursing homes fared better than others to protect themselves against the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Organisational characteristics may mediate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous reviews have suggested for-profit providers provide worse quality of care. Does ownersh
Avoiding Burnout and Preserving Movement Leadership
Tiloma Jayasinghe, Nonprofit Quarterly
Burnout is endemic to the nonprofit sector, especially in human services-centered organizations. Nonprofit executives in particular face a high risk of burning out, and this is even more true for leaders of color.
Burnout and Nonprofit Leadership of Color
In large part, the state of the nonprofit
5 evidence-based tips for living with mild cognitive impairment or dementia
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
The Bottom Line
Try one or more of a variety of strategies that can help improve cognition and mental health among people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia.
Visual art therapy may enhance cognitive function and reduce anxiety in people with MCI.
Non-drug options such as massage t
2021 Seniors Housing Survey: Learn more from our insights
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
The results from our 2021 Seniors’ Housing Survey are now available in our annual tables. Information collected includes rents, vacancy rates and related information. Seven regions across Canada compiled data on the seniors’ housing market:
British Columbia
How your peers can help you age well
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
Our peers are an important part of our daily lives. They can be classmates, colleagues, teammates, or other friends who share similar interests. We experience many of our best moments with our peers and lean on them during times of hardship.
But did you know that when it comes to our health and wel
Understanding the impact of COVID-19: Addressing structural barriers that are widening inequities and exacerbating vulnerability
Vibrant Communities Calgary
Vibrant Communities Calgary (VCC) and the University of Calgary released a new study reporting on the experiences of Calgarians living in low income as they cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Understanding the Impact of COVID-19: Addressing Structural Barriers that are Widening Inequities and Exacerb
Boston PomPod: A Virtual Co-working Experiment
Danielle Coates-Connor, Nonprofit Quarterly
In the Before Times, early 2020, working in-person was a given for the majority of people. Yet for me and many of my friends, virtual work was already the norm, and we were developing a co-working space in Boston because we needed social connection in our remote work. After months of meeting and exp
Thematic Innovation Ecosystem on Mental Health - Isolation
European Connected Health Alliance
Speaking at the Thematic Innovation Ecosystem on Mental Health last month, Ian Spero, founder of Agile Ageing Alliance, lays bare the the health implications of social isolation. Watch this extract from the event to learn more about what we’re doing to bring generations together.
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