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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Inflation Driving up Demand and Costs While Creating Desperation

Emily Jensen, Imagine Canada

Normally, we associate July with the beginning of a sleepier, sunnier time of the year. However, this year it seems that the news won’t slow down. Nonprofits are, as usual, working hard to serve their communities despite the difficult times we’re facing. In the latest edition of this quarterly b

Are Assistive Devices Suitable for Me or My Loved One?

McMaster University

Did you know that, in Canada, 1.1 million older adults use assistive technology to compensate for physical or cognitive limitations? An essential part of healthy aging involves evaluating and accepting the changes that may occur in your vision, mobility, and hearing and implementing what you need to

Resource Guide for Older Adults at Risk of Going Missing

Calgary Missing Older Adult Resource Network

This resource guide is a tool to support vulnerable older adults who may be at risk of going missing. The guide incorporates prevention tips, preparedness in the event someone does go missing, available resources and tips for community members if they find someone that has gone missing. The guide i

What to Do During Extreme Heat (City of Calgary)

City of Calgary

Calgary summers are getting increasingly hotter and drier. Extreme heat can put your health at risk, causing illnesses like heat stroke and even death. The City of Calgary has compiled this list of heat preparedness resources: The City of Calgary’s extreme heat website has information on how

Violence Against Seniors and Their Perceptions of Safety in Canada

Shana Conroy and Danielle Sutton, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics

According to the General Social Survey on Canadians’ Safety (Victimization), there were about 128,000 senior victims of violence in Canada in 2019. Rates of violent victimization were five times lower among seniors aged 65 and older compared to younger Canadians (20 versus 100 incidents per 1,000

Ageism in Health Care: How Patients Can Recognize and Combat the Problem

Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council Staff

Ageism is a form of discrimination that we all may face, or unintentionally perpetuate, at some point in our lives. It refers to how we think, feel, and act towards someone on the basis of their age.  Ageism can take many forms across the course of a life, but is most often associated with older a

AVAT – Adult Vaccination Advocacy Toolkit

Vaccines4Life, International Federation on Ageing

The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) will be launching the Adult Vaccine Advocacy Toolkit (AVAT) in 2022 as a way to influence and help shape policy to improve uptake rates of adult vaccination, with a goal of helping to build the capacity and capabilities of civil society organizations. Th

What We Heard: A Facilitated Conversation Between Non-Profit Leaders and the Mayor & Mayor’s Office

Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

The Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organization's (ECVO) What We Heard document summarizes items discussed during a facilitated conversation between a group of non-profit leaders and the Mayor's Office as a follow-up to the Mayor's State of the City address that he had given the week before.  The

CCVO Recording Library

Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

CCVO knows that attending events and webinars on specific dates and times can be difficult when dealing with busy schedules. To help you more easily access resources and learnings when you need them, they've included all of their recordings in one place. You can view the recordings from CCVO’s


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