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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Aging in Alberta- May 8 Elections Package- Event Recording

Healthy Aging Alberta

How to use the Elections Messaging package to advocate for CBSS sector

ESCC Declaration

Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council

Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council developed a declarations for people to sign and agree to the importance of having strong community supports for older adults to age well in their homes of choice.

Health Risks for LGBTQ+ Communities

Michelle Llamas BCPA, Drugwatch

Members of the LGBTQ+ community have unique and complex health needs that heterosexuals don’t face. Health disparities and barriers to care can make staying healthy challenging, but knowing LGBTQ+ health risks can ensure you stay on top of your health. Local and national resources can help you pre

Government of Alberta Emergency Preparedness Toolkit for Seniors

Government of Alberta

The Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) has created a toolkit to help seniors, caregivers and service providers build an emergency kit, develop an emergency plan and be prepared for emergencies, disasters and unexpected situations. This 11-page toolkit is an excellent resource to begin havin

Social Isolation of Seniors: A Focus on Indigenous Seniors in Canada

Employment and Social Development Canada

This supplement is a resource to help organizations and service providers adopt approaches to help Indigenous seniors strengthen human connections. Social isolation is a silent reality experienced by many seniors, and particularly Indigenous seniors. It is hoped that this resource will heighten awar

Ontario First Nations Aging Study

Laurentian University

The Ontario First Nations Aging Study, launched in 2015, is a collaboration between the Chiefs of Ontario and university researchers. The study has involved a dedicated and diverse team of advisors, community members, researchers, and leaders. Our goal was to create the first Ontario-wide profile of

RECORDING - Workplace Mental Health in Canada’s Nonprofit Sector: It’s Time for a Check Up


One year after we first covered the issue of workplace mental health on CharityVillage Connects, we are back with a wellness check up on the sector. How are nonprofits faring today, what’s changed since last year, and, perhaps most importantly, what practical steps can sector leaders implement rig

Breaking Down Barriers: Improving the Workplace Experience for Neurodivergent Canadians

Jane Hutchison, Conference Board of Canada

In this research, we analyze the findings of 40 interviews with neurodivergent workers and employers of neurodivergent workers to better understand the experiences of neurodivergent individuals in the workplace and how employers can better support them.What are the most significant barriers that neu

Aging in Alberta- Elections 2023 Resources

Healthy Aging Alberta

Toolkit for Advocating at the Alberta Election for the Community-Based Seniors Serving sector


Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.

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