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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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The Seven Pillars of Self-Care

International Self-Care Foundation

On July 24, celebrate International Self-Care Day and the importance of self-care to the health of the sector and the clients you serve. Practice the Seven Pillars of Self-Care from the International Self-Care Foundation and encourage the older adults you advocate for to do the same. READ MORE

Caregivers Alberta

Rick Lauber

Caregivers Alberta provides resources, support and education to help people caregiving for family members or friends. Our services are wide-ranging because so are the needs of caregivers: from our caregiver support line; to one-on-one coaching and peer support groups to our award-winning Caregiver

COVID-19 as a Workplace Hazard

Government of Alberta

This resource provides Occupational Health and Safely legislation to guide thinking and safety protocols in the workplace, along with helpful guidance. READ MORE HERE

Calls to Action Accountability: A 2020 Status Update on Reconciliation

Eva Jewell and Ian Mosby, Yellowhead Institute

“Canada owes it to Survivors of residential schools to do better. And, we’ve had enough of the crocodile tears and empty promises of the past five years. What we need is meaningful action and we’ll continue trying to hold Canada to account for these failures.” December 15, 2020, marks a f

35,500 low-income Alberta households expected to benefit from 10-year rent subsidy program

Shaye Ganam, 630 CHED

On July 8th, 2021, our Executive Director, Susan Morrissey, appeared on 630 CHED with Shaye Ganam to discuss the recent announcement of the Canada-Alberta Housing Benefit, which will provide $444 million in funding (cost-matched between the federal and provincial government) designed to provide rent

Research Update: Taking stock at the one-year mark: The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 in Canada

Edmonton Social Planning Council

The year-in-review report COVID-19 in Canada: A One-Year Update on Social and Economic Impacts was published by Statistics Canada in March 2021 using statistical information provided by Canadian citizens, businesses, governments, and other institutions. The report provides a snapshot of the socio-e

Relationship between the Ownership Status of Nursing Homes and Their Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Literature Review

Florien M. Kruse , Jasmine C. Mah, Sanne J. J. P. M. Metsemakers, Melissa K. Andrew, Samir K. Sinha, Patrick P.T. Jeurissen, Journal of Long-Term Care

Context: Some nursing homes fared better than others to protect themselves against the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Organisational characteristics may mediate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous reviews have suggested for-profit providers provide worse quality of care. Does ownersh

Avoiding Burnout and Preserving Movement Leadership

Tiloma Jayasinghe, Nonprofit Quarterly

Burnout is endemic to the nonprofit sector, especially in human services-centered organizations. Nonprofit executives in particular face a high risk of burning out, and this is even more true for leaders of color. Burnout and Nonprofit Leadership of Color In large part, the state of the nonprofit

5 evidence-based tips for living with mild cognitive impairment or dementia

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

The Bottom Line Try one or more of a variety of strategies that can help improve cognition and mental health among people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. Visual art therapy may enhance cognitive function and reduce anxiety in people with MCI. Non-drug options such as massage t


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