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Programs and Initiatives

Programs and Initiatives profiled on Healthy Aging CORE provide examples of the important work being done by local, provincial, and national organizations and the value of these programs and initiatives in promoting health and well-being and fostering resilience for older adults seniors. CORE members can add their program for older adults to this list and update their posts when they have new information! Click "+ New Program" in top right to get started.

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Public Policy Training Institute (PPTI)

Download the PPTI 2022 Application and apply by November 1, 2021 Canadian charities have a long history of helping to inform and shape public policy at municipal, provincial, and federal levels.  F

Digital Skills Tune Up

New Gluu Classes Coming November 1st Our brand new digital skills learning platform is almost ready! Created by experts, designed for older adults. Be one of the first to experience it by getting you

Healthier and Safer Alberta Workplaces: #momentsmatter

The #momentsmatter campaign encourages people to use positive work stories as a vehicle for influencing workplace culture. Hearing or telling real life stories that demonstrate the power of simple, e

Calgary Immigrant Women's Association's Companion Training Program

Companion Training provides immigrant women with skills and knowledge to fulfill the companionship needs of seniors or individuals with disabilities or long term health issues. Clients will receive t

Tech for Good™

Tech for Good provides you with professional assistance so you can independently use or control your mobile phone and tablet. Tech for Good offers customized recommendations, training and support on m

Dental and Optical Assistance for Seniors

Eligible seniors can get help covering the cost of basic dental and optical services. To be eligible for the Dental and Optical Assistance for Seniors programs you must: be 65 years of age or olde

Kerby Centre Thursday Tours

Kerby Centre is a not-for-profit organization with programs and services in Calgary and Medicine Hat. Kerby Centre is committed to enhancing the ability of older adults 55+ to live healthy, productive

The Alex Seniors Health Centre

An open door to compassionate care. If you are a low-income Calgarian aged 60+ without a family doctor, The Alex Seniors Health Centre is here for you! Their team of warm and caring doctors and nurs

Indigenous Workplace Wellness Circle

Offered by Aboriginal Futures, this program is designed to help participants gain confidence, learn essential skills, better their communication skills and set solid career & employment goals. Pa


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