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CBSS Systems Map

Healthy Aging Alberta is updating the systems map in early 2024. Please complete this form to ensure your organization profile is updated for the new platform!

What is systems mapping?

Systems mapping is a tool that creates a visual representation of a system, to help name and identify the different elements of a system by explicitly showing how the system works and interacts. It illustrates all of the many actors and elements involved in the system and their links to one another. In the context of the senior serving sector, these actors could be community-based senior serving organizations, allied systems partners, and key stakeholders. By gaining an understanding of the relationships between each of these actors, the sector as a whole can work towards broader systems change.


What is the CBSS Systems Map?

The CBSS Systems Map originated with an objective to map the senior serving sector beyond a geographical representation. This involved illustrating the breadth of senior serving organizations across the province and understanding the relationships these organizations have to one another, taking into consideration the kind of services provided and the needs of older adults in community to understand the ecosystem in which these organizations operate. These relationships help to organize the sector, noting both connections and gaps in services at local, regional, and provincial levels.

This high-level systems map demonstrates the benefit of mapping the system and how information in a map might be organized to better understand the complex relationships between organizations in the CBSS sector, and to support future planning within the sector.

Systems mapping was identified as a key task after the 'What We Heard' report was released in 2018 to understand and create a more coordinated sector. Further engagement with community affirmed the desire for the sector to better understand and organize the sector, with direct feedback collected through online engagement sessions and a survey distributed to over 2,000 contacts. This survey helped to build Phase 1 of the Systems Map through collecting descriptive information about organizations and their current partnerships and collaborations.


Why should I use the CBSS Systems Map?

The CBSS Systems Map is an organic tool that can be used by CBSS organizations to facilitate the understanding of the sector, and their position in it. Some noted examples are:


How to use the CBSS Systems Map:

To view the CBSS Systems Map, access this LINK. You can learn how to navigate the map by accessing the written guide or watch our Tutorial Video HERE

If you have questions, contact your Regional Community Developer:

If you have questions or would like to add information to the CBSS Systems Map, please contact your Regional Community Developer (RCD).
