Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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[Report] National Institute on Ageing 2023 survey report
National Institute on Ageing
The National Institute on Ageing 2023 survey report was released January 31,2024,
What Non-Profits Can Expect in 2024 and how to be better Prepared
Charity Village
What Non-Profits Can Expect in 2024 and how to be better Prepared
RECORDING: CORE 101 – An Introduction to Healthy Aging CORE Alberta (December 2023)
Healthy Aging Alberta
In this introductory session, the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta team provided a general overview of the CORE Alberta platform, its linkages to the vision of Healthy Aging Alberta, how it can be used in the work of the Community-Based Seniors Serving (CBSS) sector and its allies, and the benefits of the
Report: UN Decade of Healthy Ageing Progress Report, 2021-2023
The Platform
The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing is an opportunity to work together to improve the lives of older people, their families, and their communities. The UN Decade sets an ambitious vision of a world in which all people can live long and healthy lives
Study Results: Labour Force Survey, October 2023
Government of Canada
Canada labour force survey results
The Relational Work of Systems Change
Stanford Social Innovation Review
Collective impact efforts must prioritize working together in more relational ways to find systemic solutions to social problems.
Enabling Aging in Place
Healthcare Excellence Canada
Enabling Aging in Place will bring together health and social service organizations from across the healthcare continuum to implement promising practices that are delaying entry to long-term care and improving safety, health and quality of life outcomes, while also reducing emergency department visi
Healthy Aging Framework Primer
Healthy Aging Alberta
The Healthy Aging Framework (HAF) is essentially a way to organize, assess, and communicate the work of diverse organizations so that we might better understand the collective impact we have – or could have – on healthy aging in Alberta.
RECORDING: Launch Event - Supporting Ethnocultural Seniors in Alberta
CORE Immigrant Senior Sector Connections Group
Throughout the province of Alberta, many immigrant-serving organizations are supporting older adults from a variety of ethnocultural communities.The unique needs of older adults in these communities can present issues for organizations around effective program and service delivery.On October 19, 202
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.