Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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[Report] Non-profit institutions and volunteering: Economic contribution, first quarter to fourth quarter 2023
Statistics Canada
Non-profit institutions and volunteering: Economic contribution, first quarter to fourth quarter 2023
[Resource] The State of Caregiving in Canada (2012 v 2018): Workload intensifies and well-being declines
University of Alberta, Caregivers Alberta, AGEwell, Vanier
The State of Caregiving in Canada (2012 v 2018): Workload intensifies and well-being declines
[Podcast] Looking after children and aging parents
CBC News- Alberta at Noon with Judy Aldous
Looking after children and aging parents
Resources for International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Healthy Aging Alberta
Resources for International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
[Webinar] How Social Enterprise Can Solve Our Most Costly Problems | Shaun Loney
TEDx Talks
Problem solvers such as social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and the small farm movement are demonstrating we can tackle society’s most stubborn problems affordably. How do we reinvent government to make it all happen? Shaun's best-selling book, An Army of Problem Solvers was published in Oct
[Video] Broke - The Business of Systems Change
Encompass Co-op
The Business of Systems Change and Social Enterprise
[Event Recording] Men's Shed Informational Meeting
The Scoop on Port Alberni
A small group of men gathered on February 17th to learn about what it takes to start a Men's Shed.
[Resource] Impact of Financial Strain on Wellness
Alberta Health Services
Impact of Financial Strain on Wellness
[Toolkit] Having the Difficult Conversations on Anti-Racism and Decolonization?
Difficult Conversations on Anti-Racism and Decolonization checklist
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