Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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[Webinar] Transforming Health Aging in Alberta- Priority Needs for AgeTech
CORE Alberta and Alberta Health Services
Help explore the priority challenges and technologies to support older adults, caregivers, and service providers!
CharityVillage Post Secondary Nonprofit Programs Directory
Charity Village
Non-profit education programs
[Recording] CORE 101 Training Session
CORE Platforms (CORE Alberta, BC and National)
In this introductory session, the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta and BC teams will provide a general overview of the CORE platforms, their linkages to the vision of Healthy Aging Alberta and Healthy Aging BC, how they can be used in the work of the Community-Based Seniors Serving (CBSS) sector and its allies, and the benefits of the platform for connections and networking.
[Report] At-a-glance – Black-focused social prescribing: the importance of an Afrocentric approach
HPCDP Journal, Government of Canada
Going beyond conventional social prescribing models, BFSP addresses specific health needs within Black communities
Common Approach to Impact Measurement Quick Guide
Common Approach
Common Approach is four community-driven standards for flexible, shareable impact measurement.
[Report] Building capacity for innovation in the social sector
Imagine Canada
This report is dedicated to identifying and assessing social sector perceptions of motivations, assets and needs around capacity for innovation.
Compensation and Benefits Survey and Resources
HR Intervals (Imagine Canada)
Compensation and Benefits Survey and Resources
[Report] Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, second quarter 2024
Statistics Canada
Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, second quarter 2024
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