HAA Regional Community Development Team:

Healthy Aging Alberta (HAA) focuses on developing a coordinated sector in Alberta by bringing together community-based organizations around a common framework for action, with a focus on identifying and addressing priority areas related to healthy aging in the community. Healthy Aging Alberta is a rich network of community-based senior serving organizations and allies across our province united by a shared vision:
to make Alberta one of the best places in the world to grow older.
As individual organizations, our capacity for influence is limited to the lives we directly touch. By building a structure and framework that connects our organizations, we can touch the lives of all Albertans. We can advocate for healthy aging on a provincial level, share knowledge, and create functional relationships with one another and our allies in this sector. We can create the infrastructure that connects us to increase our collective impact. We can empower, support, and inspire older adults to age on their terms while improving health and social outcomes.
Healthy Aging Alberta seeks to enhance the lives of older Albertans by uniting the organizations that serve them.
This work is being done for the community, by the community.
HAA Regional Community Development Team:
What do RCDs do?
The RCD team meets with CBSS organizations to discuss organizational goals, needs, and trends they are seeing with older adults.
They also help advocate for issues and resources in conversations with key stakeholders including government, health, and housing sectors.
RCDs keep a pulse on the province so we can better navigate what is currently happening and understand what resources are required to build stronger communities and make Alberta one of the best places to grow older.
- Rebecca Aspden, Community Development Team Lead, rebecca.aspden@healthyagingalberta.ca
- Michael Procinsky, Northern Alberta RCD, michael.procinsky@healthyagingalberta.ca
- Amanda Harriman-Gojtan, Edmonton RCD, amanda.harriman-gojtan@healthyagingalberta.ca
- Nara Fedozzi- Calgary RCD, nara.fedozzi@healthyagingalberta.ca
- Apryl Webb- Central Alberta RCD, apryl.webb@healthyagingalberta.ca
- Lauren Slavik, Southern Alberta RCD, lauren.slavik@healthyagingalberta.ca
Healthy Aging Alberta
Sep 11, 2024
Subject Area
- Age-friendly Communities
- Non-profit / Charitable sector
- Seniors’ Planning & Action Tables/Committees
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
- Advocacy
- CBSS Supports & Services
- Leadership & Development
- Organizational development
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