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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Help Promote the 2021 Census Today!

Statistics Canada

The collection for the 2021 Census is well underway! The #2021census is an invaluable tool in helping shape communities and support important decisions that affect all Canadians. Please help Statistics Canada in ensuring they have a strong representation by reaching out to your networks (colleag

Combating Vaccine Hesitancy: Teaching the Next Generation to Navigate Through the Post Truth Era

Frontiers in Public Health

Despite scientific evidence supporting the fact that vaccines are fundamental tools for preventing infectious diseases, a percentage of the population still refuses some or all of them. Vaccine hesitancy has become a widespread issue, and its complexity lies in the great variety of factors that can

Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada's Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector

The Muttart Foundation

For far too long, Canada has lacked a comprehensive resource examining Canada’s charitable sector. That has now ended. The Muttart Foundation has spent many years focusing on building the capacity of charities in this country. The publication of this collection is another contribution to that eff

Examining Calgary's Emergency Food Assistance System

Enough for All

Food security remains a pressing need in Calgary. Recent data has identified that many Calgary households are experiencing moderate to severe food insecurity and are concerned about not having enough money for food. The onset of the pandemic in March 2020 resulted in heightened demand for emergency

Non-Profit Boards and COVID-19: Emerging Stronger

Volunteer Canada

In Spring 2020 and in managing the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, Volunteer Canada’s blog identified key information on the Board’s role in a crisis and questions around risk management. As we move from crisis management to recovery, both in the short and long term, there continue to be k


CORE Alberta

VIEW RECORDING HERE  Please find the slide deck shared during the event attached.  The CORE Elder Abuse and CORE Caregivers Group collaboratively hosted this event and Caregivers Alberta presented and discussed how caregiver stress can lead to burnout quicker than we realize. Attendees learned

A Sustainable, Inclusive, and Digital Future for Rural Canada

Canada 2020

Driven, vibrant, and innovative Canadian communities like Faro, Yukon; Churchbridge, Saskatchewan; Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec; and Clarenville, Newfoundland are integral to our economy, culture, and social fabric, making Canada the prosperous and successful country that it is. But as the last year ha

National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health Knowledge Resources and Publications

National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health

Explore a wealth of information published by the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health where the mission is to share knowledge and make a difference. Resources can be sorted by health topics, subject, keyword, publication type, and year published. READ MORE HERE

Virtual Series on First Nations, Inuit and MĂ©tis peoples and COVID-19

National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health

Virtual Series on First Nations, Inuit and MĂ©tis peoples and COVID-19 In early 2021, the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH) presented a four-part virtual series looking at the experiences of First Nations, Inuit and MĂ©tis peoples and communities with COVID-19. Held over


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