Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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WEBINAR: Community-based domestic violence response to COVID-19
Given our current COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, research points to the need for increased awareness and services related to domestic violence during the crises. Walk through Sagesse's Domestic Violence Community Protocols document to support your community or agency through a community-based dom
WEBINAR: Workshop on sexual violence services across the province and their member's response to COVID-19
Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services (AASAS)
Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services (AASAS) presented a workshop on sexual violence services across the province and their member's response to COVID-19. The presentation discussed the Alberta One Line for Sexual Violence, counselling supports, education and police/court support.
VIDEOS: Stay Active, Stay Well – Workouts from home
University of Alberta
Stay Active, Stay Well with Campus & Community Recreation at University of Alberta with a series of workout and fitness videos.
Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada social media resources: COVID-19
Government of Canada
For consideration and use on social media channels, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada have shared general social media COVID-19 messaging and images.
Joy4All Project: Positive message hotline for seniors
Joy4All Project
Calgary high school students launch positive message hotline for seniors.
The Joy4All project offers a free telephone line, and a friendly voice on the other end, to help lift spirits in what may be a lonely time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The hotline, available by calling 1-877-JOY-4ALL, offer
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal: Tips on how to stay active and engaged while practicing physical distancing
McMaster University
McMaster University’s Optimal Aging Portal shares various articles on how to stay active and engaged while practicing physical distancing.
Connect Canadians: Providing free technology training and support for older adults
Connect Canadians
Connect Canadians is a non-profit organization that promotes digital literacy skills amongst older adults by providing free technology training and support.
Caregivers’ Failure to Thrive: A Case for Health and Continuing Care Systems Transformation
Andrew Magnaye, Janet Fast, Jacquie Eales, Mark Stolow, Myles Leslie
Excluding family caregivers and their goals from healthcare thinking and system design has contributed to their "failure to thrive." Family caregivers are diverse, with dynamic, enduring, and variable life course care trajectories that are largely ignored. Using a co-design approach, caregivers prio
Alberta Health Services: List of mental health and COVID-19 related resources
Alberta Health Services
Alberta Health Services has provided a list of mental health and COVID-19 related resources.
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