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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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WEBINAR: Building Virtual Communities of Practice

Tamarack Institute

In this webinar, Liz Weaver and Lisa Attygalle share how to design and support the development of a virtual community of practice.  Sylvia Cheuy also shares a case study illustrating how intentional design can lead to an engaged peer learning network.  We are now living and working in a remote an

VIDEO: Summary/ Analysis of Survey – LGBTTQ Older Adults Symposium

Sage, Pride Seniors Group, Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council, Age Friendly Edmonton

Videos of speeches at the LGBTTQ Older Adults Symposium held in Edmonton on February 24, 2015 – Summary/Analysis of Survey.

TOOL KIT: Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide

Event Safety Alliance

The Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide addresses health and sanitary issues that event and venue professionals need to consider in order to protect both patrons and workers. 

What is System Planning and System Mapping?


Systems Planning is the process of strategically mapping, coordinating, and delivering services, supports, and programs with the rights, needs, and desires of the client/user at the centre. Its aim is to create an integrated ecosystem of care in which various actors and systems work together towards

TIP SHEET: Sharing volunteers

Volunteer Alberta

Volunteer Alberta shares a tip sheet on how to effectively share volunteers between organizations.

TIP SHEET: Nonprofit insurance related to volunteer programming

Volunteer Alberta

Volunteer Alberta shares a tip sheet on insurance needs for nonprofits related to volunteer programming.

Sane-itizer Newsletter: Safety and workplace tips during COVID-19

Grande Prairie Volunteer Service Bureau

The Grande Prairie Volunteer Service Bureau presents information about opening up businesses and services. The newsletter includes safety and business operational tips and information.

Covid-19 Anti-Racism Incident Reporting Center

Action! Chinese Canadians Together

ACCT is providing an opportunity for community members to report incidences of racism due to COVID-19. The data collected will help identify trends (new and recurring) and will be used to inform policy, service and future anti-racism initiatives.

COVID-19 Skill Share & Volunteer

Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

Do you have staff whose time and skills are currently under-utilized? Their skills may be exactly what charitable organizations need right now. Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations is encouraging business owners and managers to consider dedicating some portion of their staff's time to help a


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