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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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A Thoughtful Canada Day

Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada

Review compiled information and resources to help inform your Canada Day celebrations and actions towards Reconciliation from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada. READ MORE HERE

Canadian Residential Schools

University of Alberta Library

For over a hundred years Indigenous children, often very young, were taken from their families and kept in government-funded, church-run residential schools, often far from their homes. The aim of these schools was to remove parental influence, spiritual, cultural and intellectual, from the children

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Explore the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's website and read through their findings and Final Report. Read the Calls to Action and understand your role in truth and reconciliation. READ MORE HERE 

Sparking Change: 3 Ways to Engage in Advocacy

Jack Showers, Imagine Canada

Trying to spark change and advance policy priorities, even in a small way, is a challenging task for any nonprofit organization. Working with the federal government to spark broad social change is especially daunting. But your voice matters, and it deserves to be heard by decision-makers. By engagi

Rural Older Volunteers and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trent University

  During large-scale global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need to understand the experiences of those living and working within it. A study from Trent University's Rural Aging Research Program, Rural Older Volunteers and the COVID-19 Pandemic examined the experiences o

Fundraising Best Practices: Getting Back to Normal

Caitlin Simpson, Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

In getting closer to normal life again, it’s important to evaluate your fundraising strategy and make sure you’re ready to pivot once more. Is your organization moving the needle on your mission? Too many people rely on you so there really is no option other than to go all in. This includes fund

Reflecting on a Year of Crisis and Nonprofit Advocacy

Emily Jensen, Imagine Canada

Photo credit: Calgary Food Bank relieves food insecurity and provides support for clients who are experiencing emergency situations. With more than half of Canadian adults having received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and Dr. Tam confirming we’re past the peak of the third wave, the fu

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 8 Ways to Take Control of Your Day

Niagara Institute

Overworking isn't sustainable and burnout isn't healthy. While working hard is admirable and at times necessary, if you are perpetually overworking, there are things you can do to improve your situation. In the following guide, we've shared eight ways you can take control of your day to work smarter

The Employee Experience in the Public Sector: 9 Practical Ways Team Leaders Can Have a Positive Impact

Niagara Institute

Research has shown that everyday leaders, such as those with a manager, supervisor, or director title, are "the linchpin to a great employee experience.” But how exactly can you create a great employee experience, support your own career, and contend with the public sector's most pressing challeng


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