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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the prevention of dementia

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

The Evidence Summary for this article has been prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration-a highly reputable, global, independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers and people interested in health. READ MORE HERE

Sharing your home to remain there as you grow older

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

Most older adults want to stay in their home for as long as possible. However, aging can bring its share of challenges: decreased mobility, new health conditions, reduced income and social support. All of these can ultimately limit someone's ability to live safely and independently in their home. H

Braze Mobility: Blind Spot Sensors for Wheelchairs


Tight spaces, crowded areas and doorways are some of the many places that can be difficult to navigate in a wheelchair. Now there are sensors that can be installed on any wheelchair to provide the user with feedback about obstacles in their blind spots. Developed by Braze Mobility Inc., the sensors

How Technology Can Help Our Mental Well-Being

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

While mental health is an important topic to discuss regularly, the realities of the environment we are currently living in make it even more critical to talk about. As Canada endures a third wave of the pandemic in many areas across the country, people are dealing with feelings of anxiety, hopeless

The Giving Report


In their fourth annual report, the 2021 Giving Report, CanadaHelps continues to provide knowledge and insights to help Canadians understand the charitable sector and its impact on Canada. Troubling declines in overall giving in 2020 pose a serious challenge to Canadian charities, but there were al

Blog: Current Status Unknown: Albertan Supervised Consumption Sites in 2021

Jayme Wong, Edmonton Social Planning Council

In August 2020, the busiest supervised consumption site in North America closed just two years after it opened its doors in Lethbridge, Alberta. The location, which saw a total of 444,781 visitors between January 2018 and June 2020, was shut down following the release of a controversial provincial r

Intergenerational Housing as a Model for Improving Older-Adult Health

BC Medical Journal

ABSTRACT: As the older-adult population in Canada increases, it is imperative that there be adequate and appropriate older-adult housing available. Housing is a social determinant of health and is implicated in various health outcomes. Additionally, a person’s living situation is interlinked with

A Developmental Evaluation Companion

Jamie Gamble, Kate McKegg, Mark Cabaj, A Developmental Evaluation Companion

In the face of a global situation that includes the intersection of a climate crisis, economic inequality and social injustice, the call to change is more compelling than ever. The need for adaptive action has heightened as the world has been transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of move

Addressing social isolation to improve the health of older adults: A rapid review

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Social isolation and loneliness in older adults are substantial public health problems. Interventions have been examined for their effect on reducing social isolation and loneliness; however, it is unclear which are effective at improving health outcomes and avoiding unnecessary health care utilizat


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