Aging in Alberta- Elections 2023 Resources

*Scroll down to bottom of page to access and download the Elections package resources
Resources included below:
- Questions for Doorknockers
- Sarah's Journey Map
- CBSS Organizations Infographic
- Rectangle Banners and Square Images you can use for your communications and Social Media with #AlbertaSeniors
- Elections Social Media Instructions
Leading up to the election, Healthy Aging Alberta (HAA) and Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council (ESCC) have been working on Elections Messaging related to the value and effectiveness of the Community-Based Seniors Serving Sector (CBSS) and the need for more supports. This messaging package can be used package to promote your important work to candidates on your own platforms.
Advocating for Seniors
Healthy Aging Alberta (HAA) and Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council (ESCC) are two of the lead champions of the Community-Based Seniors Serving (CBSS) sector.
HAA is a rich network of CBSS organizations and allies across our province united by a shared vision: to make Alberta one of the best places in the world to grow older.
ESCC is an organizing body that supports a network of collaborative efforts in the greater Edmonton area. This Network’s efforts are focused on making the region a place where people can grow older with dignity. ESCC also has a declaration they have put out for people to sign the document, agreeing to the importance of having strong community supports for older adults to age well in their homes of choice. This work is currently also using #YEGseniors.You can see more about the declaration here: ESCC Declaration - Healthy Aging CORE Alberta
- The organizations in this sector provide services in an incredibly cost-effective manner. We are caring, nimble, and responsive to the diverse needs of older adults.
- The CBSS sector provides many small and large acts of support, such as giving rides, providing meals, connecting people to community supports and affordable housing, and engaging people to reduce isolation, improve their mental health and foster well-being and resilience.
- Sector organizations support older Albertans to stay in their own homes, preserving their dignity and agency while preventing or delaying the need for expensive health care services such as acute or long-term care.
- The CBSS sector provides many non-medical services which address the social determinants of health, these account for 75% of health outcomes (source). Community programs include home-based programs and services (like meal assistance, snow removal, assisted transportation, etc.) that are fundamental for supporting the agency of older adults so they can choose how and where they want to age and for how long.
- The longer older Albertans are active in their community the more society benefits – older adults are the top volunteers (source), donors (source), caregivers (source) and politically active citizens in our communities (source). They also serve vital roles as family caregivers often for other aging loved ones and young children.
- Older adults consistently express a desire to age in their communities as long as they can (source). Sector organizations help them do that.
The Need
- More Resources are Required: Sustainable investment in the sector is needed now so that we can be there to support all Albertans.
- Our Sector is Stretched to its Limits: The CBSS sector is under a lot of pressure related to demand for services, the complexity of needs and the growing population of seniors. The ability to support staff and volunteers is at risk due to changes in the funding landscape.
- Relieving Pressure on Health System: Alberta’s healthcare system is at capacity and under incredible strain. Appropriately investing in more community and home care to help aging Albertans live in their own homes safely for longer will reduce pressure on other more expensive health care services such as acute and long-term care.
- Workforce Supports: The sector’s workforce needs urgent investment to maintain current services and build more capacity. The health of the CBSS sector and by extension of many older adults depends on the workforce. Workers are burning out and turnover is high.
- Demographic Shifts: Demand for CBSS services is growing and will continue to do so for many years. The time to invest in a robust and stable system is now.
Ways You Can Help!
- Open the Questions for Door Knockers file, read it, print it, and place it close to your front door, so when you hear someone at your doorstep, you’ll be ready.
- Be familiar with the 6 questions to ask candidates (Questions for Door Knockers).
- Use every opportunity to educate others about the Community-Based Seniors Serving (CBSS) sector. You can use Sarah's Journey Map and the CBSS Organizations Infographic to visually explain how the CBSS sector works and how its services compare to what a healthy community looks like, according to the World Health Organization.
- Call in to a radio talk show and talk about the importance of the CBSS sector for you or your family.
- Send a letter to the newspaper and/or your local community newsletters.
- Attend candidate forums and ask the questions listed on the back of the Questions for Door Knockers.
- Share messages about the importance of the sector on social media and use #AlbertaSeniors.
- If you are in Edmonton, please also use #YEGseniors
- Talk to your neighbours. If everyone talks to two people, we can triple our reach.
- Please use some of the attached visuals to share the message on your Social Media Platforms
Elections Messaging Package- Information Session Recording
To have a unified voice from the sector, we have put together an Elections Messaging Package. Learn about how to use our Elections Messaging Package at our information session recording so you can promote the important work your organization and the CBSS sector are doing.
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Healthy Aging Alberta
May 02, 2023
Subject Area
- Funding Development
- Non-profit / Charitable sector
- Organizational Development
- Information, Referral, & Advocacy
- Academics
- Funders
- Government (Politicians, Policy Makers) and Health Authorities
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
- Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
- Government
- Health Authorities
- Advocacy
- CBSS Supports & Services
- Evidence-based & emerging practices
- Policy, Planning, & Procedures
- Recorded webinar
- Research & Evidence
- Training & Capacity Building
- Provincial Resources
- Organizational development
- Leadership & Development
- Impact Stories
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.