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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Workbook] Supporting Albertans to plan ahead with the My Wishes Alberta workbook

Covenant Health Palliative Institute

My Wishes Alberta is a workbook to help Albertans think about what is most important in their life, health and personal care, and to share this information with those who matter most, and with their health care providers. While the My Wishes Alberta workbook does not replace formal advance care plan

[Resource] Funding Programs for Non-Profits Directory

Charity Village

curated list of Canadian government grant programs, foundations, and corporate funding programs for nonprofits and charities

[Article] Preventable hospitalizations and deaths ‘of despair’ associated with income inequality

University of Alberta

Prevention and support programs should be targeted to regions with highest social inequities, researchers say.

[Report] Black Lives Experiencing Homelessness Matter: A Critical Conceptual Framework for Understanding How Policing Drives System Avoidance among Vulnerable Populations

Taylor and Francis Online

This paper examines racialized encounters with the police from the perspectives of people experiencing homelessness in San Diego, California in 2020. By some estimates, homelessness doubled in San Diego during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

[Study] Accessible, Functional Sheltering for People with Disabilities

MacEachen Institute

Study aimed to contribute to knowledge about accessible and functional sheltering during an emergency for all people, including people with disabilities.

[Webinar] Connecting People & Community- April Partners Meeting

Connecting People and Community for Living Well CORE Group

Connecting People & Community- April Partners Meeting

[Webinar] IG CAFE: How to Turn One-off Events into Longer-Term Programs

Intergenerational Linkages CoP CORE Group

IG CAFE: How to Turn One-off Events into Longer-Term Programs

[Webinar] Men's Sheds Coffee Pot- CORE Group Event

Men's Sheds CORE Group

Men's Sheds Coffee Pot- CORE Group Event

[Webinar] Immigrant Senior Sector Connections- Interagency Meeting- CORE group event

Immigrant Senior Sector Connections CORE Group

This Group aims to increase collaboration and connection among service providers who work with immigrant and refugee seniors in Alberta. Everyone is welcome to the next meeting!April meeting continues the conversation around Alberta action items for immigrant senior serving organizations around Sett


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