Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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LGBTQ2+ aging in Canada: Building the evidence and informing action
University of Toronto Press
Within Canada, there has been increased Federal recognition and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2+) individuals and communities. The recognition of previous systemic discrimination helps to illustrate the unique social and historical contexts those current ol
The Right Homes for Seniors
Steve Paikin, TVO
In the blistering housing markets of southern Ontario one group that's often overlooked in the conversation is seniors. Some are living in houses that are too big and hard to maintain. Others can't find suitable AND affordable stock that allows them to downsize. And others still need new services an
What we need to know: Developing knowledge and awareness about LGBT older adults
Canadian Nurse
Many LGBT older adults have faced a lifetime of discrimination, including within the healthcare system. These experiences have had a negative impact on their overall health and have created fear and mistrust for many when accessing care and services. Gender and sexuality are only two aspects of each
Voice under Domination
Cyndi Suarez, Nonprofit Quarterly
As the nonprofit sector responds to a fieldwide movement for racial justice, it is important to stop and consider the strategies or approaches we take for granted.
I have written quite a bit for NPQ about the domination practices of the elite (here, here, and here). The other side of this is the l
Senior Women’s Assistance for Social Ties (SWAST) Summary
Indo Canadian Women Association
In April 2018, the Indo Canadian Women Association (ICWA) started a project called Senior Women’s Assistance for Social Ties (SWAST). This project was conducted by ICWA for 12 months and aimed to connect isolated senior women with the community and focused on networking, wellness, engagement, a
Promoting the Labour Force Participation of Older Canadians
Employment and Social Development Canada
Based on an extensive pan-Canadian and international scan, eight broad categories of initiatives that seek to promote labour force participation of older individuals have been identified (see Chapter 2 for more details): awareness initiatives, financial initiatives; health and safety; employment leg
Seeing and Supporting LGBT Older Adults' Caregivers and Families
Britney M. Wardecker, PhD and Tim R. Johnston, PhD, Healio
Many older adults bring biological or legal family members with them when receiving medical care and consultation. However, sexual and gender minority older adults (i.e., those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender [LBGT]) may not have relationships with their biological or lega
Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Inclusivity in Long-Term Care Homes: A Canadian Perspective
Cambridge University Press
It is critical to ensure that long-term care (LTC) homes are sensitive to the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults. However, the extent to which the LTC home sector has adopted recommended strategies is unknown.
This qualitative study reports findings from
Gay and Gray Session: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Transgender Aging
National Library of Medicine
With the overarching goals of improving the healthcare of older transgender individuals and of inspiring pertinent clinical research, a session at the 2017 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Annual Meeting focused on an interdisciplinary approach to transgender aging.
The older
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