Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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UAlberta launches free online Science Literacy course
University of Alberta
This new course teaches learners how to think critically about science—and how to tell the difference between sound scientific studies and pseudoscience.
If you are looking for activities to do at home, check this free course out!
Seven principles for a rights-based public health response to COVID-19
HelpAge International
Responses to COVID-19 are an opportunity to protect the lives, dignity and well-being of everyone, everywhere. Human rights provide a framework to strengthen the effectiveness of these responses and can help us assess whether public health measures are appropriate or not.
As public health measures
Statistics Canada: Data literacy training
Statistics Canada
As Canada's national statistical organization, Statistics Canada is committed to sharing knowledge and expertise to help all Canadians develop their data literacy skills. The goal is to provide learners with information on the basic concepts and skills with regard to a range of data literacy topics.
Example of implementing a community inclusion/diversity initiative
Mill Woods Cultural Diversity Collaborative
The Mill Woods Cultural Diversity Collaborative (MWCDC) is a multisectoral collaboration group of 30+ service providers, ranging from not-for profits, churches, government bodies and community members, who are passionate about an inclusive, healthy, and thriving culturally diverse community.
In 20
Quick Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Toolkit
Trauma Informed Care Collective
In a climate of universal trauma, trauma-informed care (TIC) is needed now more than ever. TIC offers a useful lens for processing the effects of COVID-19 and also prepares us for the possibility of increased trauma as a result of the pandemic. These resources will not only equip people to care for
National Mentoring Resource Centre
National Mentoring Resource Centre
The National Mentoring Resource Centre (NMRC) is an American-based organization that aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of youth mentoring through increased use of evidence-based practices and sharing practitioner innovations. NMRC offers free recorded webinars and other resources that
LINKages facilitates innovative intergenerational programs and services that encourage involvement, transfer of knowledge, and capitalize on the strengths of youth and seniors to foster strong Alberta communities. Programs offered by LINKages include:
IG After School Programs
Care Centre/School
Alberta Mentoring Partnership
Alberta Mentoring Partnership
This website will be of interest to organizations which support and/or deliver intergenerational programs in their communities. The Alberta Mentoring Partnership (AMP) is a network of community mentoring agencies, government, and youth working together to raise the profile of mentoring in Alberta. A
This Chair Rocks - Resources to Address Ageism
Ashton Applewhite
This website was created by Ashton Applewhite, the author of This Chair Rocks - a manifesto against ageism. The website offers videos and resources to raise awareness about ageism, including a guide to help start consciousness raising groups about ageism.Ageism is stereotyping and discrimination on
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.