Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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Report: Promising Models of Community-Based Seniors’ Transportation in British Columbia
Community Based Transportation in BC
Community Based Transportation model in BC
[Report] Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Public Transportation and Vulnerabilities in Rural and Remote Canada
Multiple Authors
how remote and rural (RR) places face a complex array of social, political and economic obstacles in their access to sustainable, accessible, and appropriate transportation, and in exercising mobility rights.
Research Project: Older Adults on the Move: Global Age-Friendly Transportation Innovations
Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness
Age Friendly Transportation innovations
Study: Dwelling Satisfaction Among Older Adults
Statistics Canada
Released: 2023-09-07Housing choices and requirements often shift as individuals age, based on personal preferences, proximity to services, functional impairments and financial considerations. Despite shifting needs, older adults are the most satisfied with their current housing situation, by far. I
Non-medical Supports Improve the Well-being of Older Adults: Final Reports and Panel Discussion Recording
Healthy Aging Alberta
To support Alberta’s healthcare system and challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, Healthy Aging Alberta stewarded an investment in three one-year projects to provide non-medical community and home supports for older adults.
Report: Understanding and Responding to the Challenges Faced by FCSS Programs in Rural Alberta
Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities; Rural Municipalities of Alberta
The RMA partnered with the University of Alberta’s Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC) to develop a report that outlines the issues faced in local rural FCSS programs.
Survey: Share Your Thoughts - Nutrition Preferences of Older Adults 65+ in Alberta
Alberta Health Services
Registered Dietitians in Alberta Health Services are investigating the nutrition information preferences of older adults 65+ in Alberta.
2024 CBSS Sector Summit: Presentation Proposal Invitation (deadline EXTENDED to November 4, 2023)
HelpAge Canada
In 2024, community organizations who are making a difference in the lives of older Canadians will come together to share knowledge, establish shared needs and priorities, and, for the FIRST TIME, declare their place in the national spotlight as a unified sector!
A Prescription for Change - Social Prescribing Primer
Healthy Aging Alberta
The SCSP - Seniors System Navigation Team is a social prescribing program facilitated by community-based organizations in Lethbridge. This document contains the information you need to promote social prescribing in your community and make referrals for patients and clients.
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.