Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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[Commentary] Building the social prescribing student movement in Canada
HPCDP Journal, Government of Canada
Alongside the rapid expansion of the social prescribing movement around the world, a global network of student champions has emerged to build the social prescribing student movement.
[Report] At-a-glance – Black-focused social prescribing: the importance of an Afrocentric approach
HPCDP Journal, Government of Canada
Going beyond conventional social prescribing models, BFSP addresses specific health needs within Black communities
[Resource] Conversations with Calgary’s Indigenous Community
Calgary Learns
A summary report of Calgary Learns’ community consultation with Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and service providers about adult foundational learning
[Resource] Men and Suicide Fact Sheet
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Middle-aged men (40 to 60) die by suicide more than anyone, including young people and women
[Article] How to support the caregivers who support your patients
Alberta Doctors Digest
Social prescribing is an intervention where physicians connect patients’ caregivers with needed social and community care to help them deal with the crisis in caregiver mental health
[Recorded Webinar] Stretched to the Max: Household Food Insecurity
CORE Alberta Food Security Group
A knowledge exchange opportunity on actions communities are taking to support older adults who experience household food insecurity.
[Article] Addressing your environment for falls prevention?
McMaster University
The stats speak for themselves: each year, more than 37 million falls result in the need for medical attention and over 680 thousand people die from falling around the globe (1).
Food Banks Canada Poverty Report
Food Banks Canada
This interactive site shows provinces and territories graded based on how they compare with each other on experiences and measurements of poverty, a standard of living, and government progress on standard of living legislation.
[Webinar Recording] Grow the Conversation – Taking Action Against Elder Abuse
AEAAC and CORE Elder Abuse Group
The purpose of WEAAD is to raise awareness about the global issue of elder abuse and promote efforts to prevent and respond to it.
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