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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Essential Resources for Socially Connected Communities

Healthy Places By Design

A collection of the best resources on Socially Connected Communities curated by Healthy Places By Design.

[Podcast] Examining our expectations of respite care: setting ourselves up for success when it comes to maximizing our respite experiences and outcomes (Episode 97)

Caregiver's Compass

expectations and realities of respite care and how we can maximize this truly valuable time so we can come back home refreshed and content.

[Recording] Healthy Relationships As We Grow Older

Healthy Aging Alberta and Carya Ethno-cultural Elder Abuse Project

explore the concept of healthy relationships as a foundation for well-being in later life while addressing the challenges posed by unhealthy dynamics, including older adult mistreatment.

The Longevity Imperative

Andrew J. Scott

If this book had an alternate title in draft form, Andrew J.Scott’s The Longevity Imperative (2024) could be aptly titled An Evergreen Agenda, a concept borrowed from the nature of an evergreen plant, carried throughout the book as Scott unfolds social innovations for a society charting its wa

[Resources] Healthy Aging Asset Index (HAAI) Tool - Resources


The Healthy Aging Asset Index (HAAI) Tool is an innovative holistic senior assessment tool that’s giving Alberta senior-serving agencies new opportunities to support and empower senior well-being

[Article] What can be done to reduce food insecurity in Canada?

Proof Toronto

There is a strong body of evidence showing that food insecurity can be reduced through policy interventions that improve the incomes of low-income households.Click here for article

[Recording] Intergenerational Linkages CoP- Event- Shared Housing

Intergenerational Linkages CoP

In this event we discussed intergenerational and shared housing initiatives and how they are supporting older adults.

[Recording] Family Caregivers as Visible and Valued Partners in the Healthcare System: Competency Based Education for the Health Workforce

Caregiver-Centered Care and CORE Alberta

Caregiver-Centered Care Initiative at the University of Alberta, Dept. of Family Medicine has developed award-winning, competency-based education for health and social care providers and leaders

[Recording] Alberta Age-Friendly CoP - Indigenous Seniors- Diverse Seniors Webinar Series

Alberta Age-Friendly CoP

This session will discuss the challenges Indigenous seniors experience and explore ways to support their inclusion in age-friendly planning and initiatives that communities could undertake to support a “sense of belonging”


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