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New measures to curb the rapid growth of COVID-19

Targeted health measures will take effect on Nov. 13 to curb the rapid growth of COVID-19 in Alberta and protect the health system.  Alberta’s government is implementing additional health measures

Connecting all Canadians to high-speed internet

On November 9, the Prime Minister announced an investment of $1.75 billion to help connect Canadians to high-speed Internet across the country, grow businesses, and create jobs. This investment will

Lethbridge Helping Organizations COVID-19 Response recognized by The WHO

When COVID-19 first arose in the Canadian city of Lethbridge, the province of Alberta shut down all businesses, schools and non-essential operations. The severity of the outbreak was relatively low, b

Family Violence Prevention Month

Hon Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Community and Social Services issued the following statement recognizing November as Family Violence Prevention Month: “Family violence is devastating and happens ev

Flu shots now available across Alberta

The Government of Alberta is urging everyone to get immunised against influenza this year, more than ever, to protect their health and support the province's fight against COVID-19. Flu shots are now

Isolation, Loneliness, and COVID-19: Pandemic leads to sharp increase in mental health challenges, social woes

Percentage of older Canadians using video calling apps has nearly doubled since last year.  As COVID-19 cases surge and public health officials plead with Canadians to stay home and minimize the


The number of cases of COVID-19 in Indigenous communities is rising, and the impacts — exacerbating already crisis-level rates of mental illness among Indigenous youth, for instance — have been de

AHS review implementation plan released

On October 13, 2020 AHS released a statement regarding the AHS review implementation, indicating that the Government of Alberta has directed Alberta Health Services (AHS) to proceed carefully in impl

Report on affordable housing

The Affordable Housing Review Panel was appointed to review Alberta’s affordable housing system in July 2020. This review explored ways affordable housing can become even more affordable and access


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