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New domestic violence legislation coming into effect

At that time, people who feel they are at risk of domestic violence can apply for a disclosure to find out if their intimate partner has a history of domestic violence or related acts. The Disclosure

Caring for Caregivers

Unpaid, informal caregivers, who are typically family members, friends, and neighbours, play a vital role in helping people with dementia live safely at home and in their communities. During the COVID

Sky's the limit: Non-profit program has N.S. seniors skydiving

We Are Young initiative is a Nova Scotian non-profit that aims to help seniors live out unfulfilled wishes. Through the program, anyone can nominate a senior, or even self-nominate. Past wishes inclu

Giving non-profits more freedom to care

New legislation would make it easier for non-profit organizations to support their communities in times of need. Bill 58, the Freedom to Care Act, would make it easier for non-profits to access exemp

Massive expansion of rapid testing in Alberta

At least two million rapid tests will be available for businesses and sectors in Alberta. This follows the successful rollout of more than 1.2 million rapid tests to long-term care facilities, schools

Appointments open to all Albertans in Phase 2A and Eligibility for Phases 2B and 2C announced

Get vaccinated as soon as you can to protect yourself and those around you. All vaccines approved in Canada are safe, effective and help prevent serious illness, hospitalizations and death.  Book no

One year of data shows Canada’s provinces and territories took very different approaches to fighting COVID-19

A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, a new paper from the Institute for Research on Public Policy and the University of Oxford makes clear the stark differences among the policy responses of Canada’s

Working parents can apply to receive a one-time $561 per child benefit to help with the cost of child care

Working parents have until March 31 to apply to receive a one-time $561 per child benefit to help with the cost of child care. Parents who used child care from April to December of 2020 while working

New funding will strengthen elder abuse prevention and intervention across the province

Alberta’s government is providing $750,000 over two years to the Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council, to provide one-time funding to the province’s 31 eligible coordinated community responses (C


Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.

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