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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Social Prescribing: Bridging the Gap for Community Supports

Healthy Aging Alberta

This marks the third article in a special Social Prescribing storytelling campaign commemorating the International Day of Older Persons and National Seniors Day in Canada.

RECORDING: CORE 101 Training Session: An Introduction to Healthy Aging CORE Alberta

Healthy Aging Alberta

Healthy Aging Alberta launched the new and updated version of Healthy Aging CORE Alberta in December 2022. In this introductory session held on September 15, 2023, we provided a general overview of the CORE platform and how it connects to the vision of Healthy Aging Alberta. We also shared the benef

Non-medical Supports Improve the Well-being of Older Adults: Final Reports and Panel Discussion Recording

Healthy Aging Alberta

To support Alberta’s healthcare system and challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, Healthy Aging Alberta stewarded an investment in three one-year projects to provide non-medical community and home supports for older adults.

Report: Understanding and Responding to the Challenges Faced by FCSS Programs in Rural Alberta

Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities; Rural Municipalities of Alberta

The RMA partnered with the University of Alberta’s Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC) to develop a report that outlines the issues faced in local rural FCSS programs.

Podcast: Disrupting Colonialism for Two-Spirit Health

National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH)

Listen to this episode to hear how Harlan found his purpose of creating affirming spaces for Two-Spirit people, and to explore how we as public health professionals can support decolonization in public health programs, policies, research, and systems from a place of humility.

Podcast: Taking Intersectoral Action to Drive Decent Work

National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH)

Listen to this bonus episode to learn about how public health can collaborate with worker-led organizers to advance decent work to promote and protect the health of workers in precarious and unsafe work conditions.

Survey: Share Your Thoughts - Nutrition Preferences of Older Adults 65+ in Alberta

Alberta Health Services

Registered Dietitians in Alberta Health Services are investigating the nutrition information preferences of older adults 65+ in Alberta.

Applications for Max Bell Foundation Public Policy Training Institute (deadline October 2, 2023)

Max Bell Foundation

Applications are open to staff and volunteer board members of Canadian charities who want to advance the mission of their organization through public policy advocacy.

2024 CBSS Sector Summit: Presentation Proposal Invitation (deadline EXTENDED to November 4, 2023)

HelpAge Canada

In 2024, community organizations who are making a difference in the lives of older Canadians will come together to share knowledge, establish shared needs and priorities, and, for the FIRST TIME, declare their place in the national spotlight as a unified sector!


Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.

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