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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Report] Addressing the Digital Skills Gap in Canadian Nonprofits: Designing Options for Solutions

Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience

Unlocking the non-profit sector's digital potential to strengthen community services

[Report] There's No Place Like Home

National Institute on Aging

There's No Place Like Home: Why Canada Must Prioritize Small Care Home Models in its Provision of Long-Term Care

[Report] The State of Mental Health in Canada 2024, IN CANADA 2024

Canadian Mental Health Association

Mapping the Landscape of Mental Health, Addictions and Substance Use Health

[Report] The State of Mental Health in Canada 2024


Visit the reportIn Canada, mental health is a privilege. It should be a right.We aren’t expected to pay for life-saving cancer care so why are we paying for life-saving mental health care?CMHA’s report, The State of Mental Health in Canada 2024, is a first-of-its-kind deep dive into the landsca

Essential Resources for Socially Connected Communities

Healthy Places By Design

A collection of the best resources on Socially Connected Communities curated by Healthy Places By Design.

The Longevity Imperative

Andrew J. Scott

If this book had an alternate title in draft form, Andrew J.Scott’s The Longevity Imperative (2024) could be aptly titled An Evergreen Agenda, a concept borrowed from the nature of an evergreen plant, carried throughout the book as Scott unfolds social innovations for a society charting its wa

[Resources] Healthy Aging Asset Index (HAAI) Tool - Resources


The Healthy Aging Asset Index (HAAI) Tool is an innovative holistic senior assessment tool that’s giving Alberta senior-serving agencies new opportunities to support and empower senior well-being

[Info Sheet] Fall Risk & Medications

Finding Balance

An info sheet on Fall Risk and Medications and how to prevent falls in older adults by monitoring medications.

[Article] What can be done to reduce food insecurity in Canada?

Proof Toronto

There is a strong body of evidence showing that food insecurity can be reduced through policy interventions that improve the incomes of low-income households.Click here for article


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