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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[ Resource] National framework for social prescribing

Welsh Government

Welsh National framework for social prescribing

[Resource] The Little Black Book of Scams 2nd edition

Competition Bureau Canada

Click HERE to learn morePrefaceScammers are sneaky and sly. They can target anyone, from youngsters to retirees. They can also target businesses. No one is immune to fraud.Our group of superheroes has found a way to see through the scams. Their secret is simple: knowledge is power!  Read on to fin

[Resources] Social Prescribing Resource Hub

Alliance for Healthier Communities

Social Prescribing is a holistic approach to healthcare that brings together the social and medical models of health and wellness. It provides a formal pathway for health providers to address the diverse determinants of health, using the familiar and trusted process of writing a prescription.Social

[Resource] Age-Friendly and Remote Communities Reading List

Linkages and CSAH

Linkages/Canadian Studies in Sharing Information created a resource list in December 2023 about Age-friendly rural and remote communities.

[ Resource] Rural and Remote Communities Collection of Resources from Ontario- Age Friendly

Ontario- Age Friendly

Rural and Remote Communities Collection of Resources from Ontario- Age Friendly

[Resource] A National Protocol for Homeless Encampments in Canada

Leilani Farha. Kaitlin Schwan

A National Protocol for Homeless Encampments in Canada: A Human Rights Approach

[Report] AGE-WELL annual report


AGE-WELL is seizing the opportunity that technology offers to benefit older adults and caregivers. The 2022-2023 AGE-WELL annual report, Focus on Healthy Aging, highlights recent activities and accomplishments from across the network.

[Report] Preventing and responding to the mistreatment of older adults: Gaps and challenges exposed during the pandemic

Government of Canada

Preventing and responding to the mistreatment of older adults: Gaps and challenges exposed during the pandemic

[Report] Consultations on the social and economic impacts of ageism in Canada: “What we heard” report

Government of Canada

IntroductionThe Forum of Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for Seniors (Seniors Forum) has been working to address the social and economic impacts of ageism on older adults in Canada. The World Health Organization defines ageism as “the stereotypes (how we think), pre


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