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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Recording] Intergenerational Linkages CoP- Event- Shared Housing

Intergenerational Linkages CoP

In this event we discussed intergenerational and shared housing initiatives and how they are supporting older adults.

[Recording] Alberta Age-Friendly CoP - Indigenous Seniors- Diverse Seniors Webinar Series

Alberta Age-Friendly CoP

This session will discuss the challenges Indigenous seniors experience and explore ways to support their inclusion in age-friendly planning and initiatives that communities could undertake to support a “sense of belonging”

[Resource] Watch your step- November is Falls Prevention Month

Alberta Blue Cross

Falls Prevention Month resources

[Resource] The Impact of Healthy Aging Alberta

Healthy Aging Alberta

infographic on the impact of Healthy Aging Alberta

[Recorded Webinar] Age-Friendly Communities for LGBTQ2S+ Seniors

Alberta Age-Friendly Discussion Group and Community of Practice (CoP)

This session will discuss challenges LGBTQ2S+ seniors experience and explore ways to support their inclusion in age-friendly planning and initiatives that communities could undertake to support a “sense of belonging”.

[Recorded Webinar] Alberta Age-Friendly CoP Diverse Seniors Webinar Series- Immigrant and Refugee Seniors

Age Friendly CoP- and ISSC groups

Alberta Age-Friendly Communities for Immigrant and Refugee Seniors

[Article] For the Sake of Argument

Harvard Kennedy School

The idea of good citizenship at this time of widening ideological divides and growing political polarization.

[Research] Evidence-informed policy brief – Utilizing the determinants of healthy aging to guide the choice of social prescriptions for older adults

HPCDP Journal

Adopting tools such as the Healthy Aging Asset Index can bring cohesiveness to the support that older adults receive across the care continuum and has the potential to shift the balance of care away from the health system and towards the community, thus improving the capacity of health systems and government to meet the needs of Canada’s older adults.

[Video] Social Prescribing in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism

Describes what social prescribing is and how SSM is introducing it in Saskatchewan.


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