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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Womens College Hospital

This report highlights the health and well-being challenges that older women face daily and on a systemic level.

[Part 2] Special issue: Social prescribing in Canada: an emerging approach to health and well-being, part II

HPCDP Journal, Government of Canada

Volume 44, number 9 of the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Journal features emerging research and collaborative initiatives aimed at advancing social prescribing in Canada. This issue includes: Editorial Social prescribing in Canada: linking the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

Alberta Age-Friendly Community of Practice (CoP) Diverse Seniors Webinar Series

Alberta Age-Friendly Community of Practice (CoP)

The Alberta Age-Friendly Community of Practice (CoP) is designed to help communities that are pursuing age-friendliness to connect and share ideas, best practices and expertise. The CoP also works together on matters of priority to the group. The CoP has planned a five-session webinar series focused

[Resource] 10 Dangers to Collective Impact

Stanford Social Innovation Review

A look at the worst practices in using the collective impact approach for social change and lessons on how to avoid them.

[Resource] Cognitive Bias Infographic


Humans have a tendency to think in particular ways that can lead to systematic deviations from making rational judgments.

[Toolkit] The Unconscious Bias Reflection Map

Michael Pohl

The Reflection Map helps you and your team to make (unconscious) experiences, beliefs, desires, values, assumptions, and feelings in relation to a certain topic or challenge conscious.

[Resource] The Prejudice Map

Dr. Eric Hehman and Project Implicit

The Prejudice Map has been compiled to show areas of implicit and explicit bias across North America in a variety of key fields.

[Research] Evidence-informed policy brief – Utilizing the determinants of healthy aging to guide the choice of social prescriptions for older adults

HPCDP Journal

Adopting tools such as the Healthy Aging Asset Index can bring cohesiveness to the support that older adults receive across the care continuum and has the potential to shift the balance of care away from the health system and towards the community, thus improving the capacity of health systems and government to meet the needs of Canada’s older adults.

Resource List for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

United Way of Calgary and Area

A list of resources, media and organizations that cover a range of topics, including Indigenous history, cultural awareness, reconciliation, and personal stories from Indigenous perspectives.


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