Voice under Domination

As the nonprofit sector responds to a fieldwide movement for racial justice, it is important to stop and consider the strategies or approaches we take for granted.
I have written quite a bit for NPQ about the domination practices of the elite (here, here, and here). The other side of this is the liberatory practices of those positioned as subordinate in systems. Many have spoken or written about the centrality of voice in the process of liberation, or transformation, and the active, ongoing silencing of the subordinated experience. Perhaps no one has done so better than Black lesbian poet and theorist Audre Lorde, who, upon facing a life-threatening illness, famously concluded, “My silences had not protected me.”
Sep 03, 2019
Subject Area
- Information, Referral, & Advocacy
- Organizational Development
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
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