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[Toolkit] Developing a Men’s Shed in Your Community: First Steps

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Should we start a Men’s Shed?

You may have heard about Men’s Sheds and are wondering if it would be

something that would appeal to the men in your community.

Or you may have been approached by a group of men wanting to start a

Men’s Shed and are wondering where to start.

We’d like to help and hope that what follows will provide you with some

good information to consider as you decide how to move forward with this

important new opportunity to address men’s health in your community.

Please consider this document as the first steps you will need to consider

– it will not answer all your questions or meet every circumstance perfectly.

It is meant to be an overview and comes at the end with an offer of more

specific help if you find yourself still unsure.

So, let’s begin.

What is a Men’s Shed?

A Men’s Shed is a space for men to come together and enjoy each other’s

company while they pursue shared interests. Often this involves building or

fixing things, but there is no set structure. The participants determine their

own interests and make their own plans.

Activities in Sheds vary greatly. The saying goes, “If you’ve seen one Men’s

Shed, you’ve seen one Men’s Shed,” because they are all different. You’ll

find Sheds that focus on woodworking, or metalworking, bicycle repair,

electronics, model buildings, or even car repair and restoration.

Local Men’s Sheds are part of a provincial, national, and international

movement that offer men that camaraderie and sense of a shared purpose

that is often found in the workplace. A Men’s Shed is open to all men who

want to have that kind of connection: retired men, shift workers, men with

leisure time on their hands, or anyone else who wants to enjoy camaraderie

with other men and constructive pastimes.

Does your community need a Men’s Shed?

For many men, working life is more than a job – it’s a social outlet, it’s

where they meet people and make friends. After a long working life with

work friends and acquaintances and common topics of conversation, many

retired men are left without a social network and spend too much time

alone. Other men may thrive in the company of their work buddies, but

their non-working hours can leave them feeling disconnected and alone.

Typically, men are reluctant to talk about the social and physical challenges

they face which can lead to negative health outcomes and even suicide.

A Men’s Shed offers a gathering place and an opportunity to pursue common interests

with other men. By choosing projects and activities that are suited to members of

each Men’s Shed, the group can work together with a shared purpose while enjoying

each other’s company.

We believe that every community needs a Men’s Shed

Download the full toolkit on how to start a men's shed below!

  • By

    Men's sheds Alberta

  • Published

    Jun 03, 2024

  • Subject Area
    • Age-friendly Communities
    • Education, Recreation, & Arts
    • Intergenerational initiatives
    • Mental Health and Wellness
    • Social Connectedness / Social Isolation
  • Audience
    • Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
    • Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
  • Category
    • CBSS Supports & Services
    • Training & Capacity Building


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