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[Resources} Extreme Heat and older Adults

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With the temperatures soaring into the 30s, it's important to keep an eye on the older adults in your area and find ways to beat the heat .Drink plenty of fluids, find shade, use fans/Air conditioners or find common areas like malls and libraries with air conditioning, moderate alcohol consumption, dress for the weather,  Keep an eye on people around you for heat exhaustion and if an older adult near you needs help transporting to a cooler area, look into what  religious groups and community-based senior serving organizations have transportation programs near you.  


Extreme Heat Resources | Government of Alberta 

Hot Weather Safety for Older Adults | National Institute on Aging  

Protecting Seniors During Extreme Heat Waves Is Critical, Advocate Says | CTV News

What to Do During Extreme Heat | City of Calgary

Preparing for Heat Wave Emergencies | Various Links

Extreme heat information sheet: seniors | Government of Alberta

Heat exhaustion signs: 

  • Tiredness 
  • Dizziness 
  • Headache 
  • Confusion 
  • Nausea 
  • Cramps in the arms, legs, and stomach 

What to do: 

  • Move to a cool place. 
  • Drink a sports or rehydration drink, or cold water. 
  • Cool your skin with water and/or a fan. Shower, bathe, or sponge off with cool water.  
  • Cold packs wrapped in a cloth and put under your armpits or on the neck are good too. 
  • Lie down to rest 

  • By

    Healthy Aging Alberta

  • Published

    Jul 10, 2024

  • Subject Area
    • Age-friendly Communities
    • Non-profit / Charitable sector
    • Rural and Remote Communities
    • Social Connectedness / Social Isolation
    • Mental Health and Wellness
    • General Health and Wellness
  • Audience
    • Government (Politicians, Policy Makers) and Health Authorities
    • Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
    • Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
    • Government
    • Health Authorities
  • Category
    • Best Practices
    • CBSS Supports & Services
    • Other Topics
    • Provincial Resources
    • Other Resources/Services


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