RESOURCES: CRA Information Session- Seniors & New COVID Benefits and Credits

An information session was held with Bonnie McIntyre, CRA Regional Outreach Officer, who shared updates and information about benefits and credits relevant to seniors such as GST/HST credit, medical expenses, caregiver credit, disability tax credit, home accessibility tax credit and more. She also discuss COVID-19 recovery payments and how to ensure eligible seniors are claiming these on their tax returns.
Please find attached to this resource the presentation shared as well as additional Fact Sheets that link to relevant documents and resources on the CRA website. Here are some of the resources share during the session:
- CRA Seniors Taxes
- RC4064 (E) Tax Measures for Persons with Disabilities
- RC4065 Medical Expenses
- Authorizing a Representative - AUT01 Form
You can contact Bonnie McIntyre at
File Attachments
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Apr 15 United Way seniors.pdf
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Factsheet Seniors E.pdf
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Factsheet PWD E.pdf
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Mar 29 Seniors Tax Presentation_CORE Alberta.pdf
Mar 29, 2021
Subject Area
- Safety, Security, Finances, & Personal Planning
- Information, Referral, & Advocacy
- Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
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