RECORDING - Community-Based Seniors Serving Sector Initiative - Community Activation Sessions

Watch a recording of the session and review the session slide deck.
Throughout May and June 2021, community-based seniors serving sector staff and volunteers and allied systems partners were invited to attend these sessions to learn more about the work of and participate in the exciting future of the Community-Based Seniors Serving (CBSS) Sector Initiative.
The CBSS Sector Initiative is a community-led, collaborative project spearheading the development of a new provincially coordinated network of organizations that represent and/or support community-based seniors programs and services, locally, regionally, and provincially.
These Community Activation Sessions:
- Reviewed the Initiative’s journey and provided an update on the progress to date;
- Explored next steps around a common vision and framework for action;
- Sought your leadership to co-create this community-owned initiative.
The CBSS Sector Initiative resulted from the Sector Engagement Project undertaken in 2019 which connected CBSS organizations across the province to discuss strengths, challenges, and concerns related to the healthy aging of seniors in the community. The sessions revealed that there is overwhelmingly strong consensus to collaborate as a community-based sector on important issues such as:
- funding and sustainability for services and supports for seniors;
- addressing service gaps in communities;
- increase resource sharing and knowledge exchange across organizations; and,
- creating clearer service pathways and access to needed supports and services by seniors, to name a few.
Throughout the pandemic, the CBSS Sector Initiative has continued to grow and build on that foundation, led by the Community Leadership Council – Pandemic Response and backboned by United Way of Calgary and area, through the accelerated development and launch of the Healthy Aging CORE knowledge mobilization hub, which serves as a tool to help CBSS organizations and their allied partners to collectively respond to the needs of older adults during the pandemic.
Review the session slide deck and Healthy Aging Framework document attached to learn more.
File Attachments
Jun 28, 2021
Subject Area
- Housing
- Transportation
- Home Support
- Mental Health and Wellness
- Food & Nutritional Support
- Safety, Security, Finances, & Personal Planning
- Social Connectedness / Social Isolation
- Education, Recreation, & Arts
- Information, Referral, & Advocacy
- Ageism
- Volunteer Management
- Organizational Development
- Physical Activity
- International Innovation
- Caregiving & Caregiver Support
- Funding Development
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
- Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
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