Promoting the labour force participation of older Canadians

Based on an extensive pan-Canadian and international scan, eight broad categories of initiatives that seek to promote labour force participation of older individuals have been identified (see Chapter 2 for more details): awareness initiatives; financial incentives; health and safety; employment legislation; the retirement income system; skills
development; workplace accommodations; and employment services.
To address the specific workforce challenges facing many older Canadians and to
promote their labour force participation, this report highlights the most promising initiatives; these include a multifaceted awareness campaign to address ageism while
promoting the benefits of hiring older individuals, funding for targeted training for older individuals, and supporting initiatives that would lead to more flexible work (see
Chapter 3 for the complete list). The initiatives, either in combination with one another or on their own, can have diverse impacts on the labour force participation of older people.
Website Link
Jan 04, 2019
Subject Area
- Safety, Security, Finances, & Personal Planning
- Information, Referral, & Advocacy
- Ageism
- Caregivers, Seniors & Volunteers
- Government
- Service Providers (Non-profits, Community Organizations, Local government)
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