Dreaming and Designing Healing Systems

Imagine with me, for a moment, that when you feel physically, emotionally, or spiritually unwell, your first stop is a nourishing, natural space. It envelops you in warmth and the familiar scents of the herbs, that possibly your grandmother grew. The healers that greet you deeply understand your social history because the structure of their work allows ample time for listening. They, alongside you and members of your community, have built deep relationships through participatory workshops that have enabled all to have a direct say in the services and traditions that are offered. The guidance offered in this space reflects collective understanding of the costs to health imposed by oppressive systems, and harnesses expertise in the practices and rituals your ancestors relied on to survive. Bodies and identities of all kinds are accepted, nourished, and encouraged to play—rather than restricted or controlled.
Sonia Sarkar, Nonprofit Quarterly
Mar 01, 2023
Subject Area
- Social Connectedness / Social Isolation
- General Health and Wellness
- Mental Health and Wellness
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