Seniors and Kids Play Together in This Innovative Alberta Pilot Project

An innovative pilot program in Sherwood Park, Alta., is embracing the mantra "you are only as young as you feel" as it pairs seniors with preschoolers with the goal of benefiting both groups.
In a room inside Silver Birch Court, young and old play freeze tag, take part in arts and crafts, and team up for a senior's favourite, bingo.
Many of the seniors live at home, but have caregivers to help them deal with physical issues, Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia.
To help deal with loneliness, Sherwood Park Adult Day Program is running the new pilot every Tuesday in February to see what effects the children have on the seniors.
"We're hoping that a program like this kind of draws them out of that and gives them a purpose, gives them meaning," said Alison Dawyd, a recreation therapist with the program.
"They can teach kids, they can interact with kids, and we're hopeful that something like this can give seniors a reason to share what they know, a reason to share their experiences with others."
Feb 25, 2023
Travis McEwan, CBC News
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