Seniors 4 Climate Cross Canada Outreach

Seniors 4 Climate is a cross Canada outreach to seniors to speak up in small or big ways about climate change on October 1st, International and Canada's Seniors' Day.
As seniors service providers, you can promote this day of action with your seniors and share materials with them that we can provide to you. You can make space available (if possible) and perhaps convene a gathering (of any size) for seniors to come together to talk about their climate concerns. We have cartoons and other resources to share. You can show a film. The BC Hub of Seniors 4 Climate at has at least one 20 minute film that you can share or pass along to seniors who are organizing something for that day.
Our children, grandchildren and generations in the future will be facing increasingly severe challenges with climate warming. But, there are solutions and now is the time for leaders to act decisively to halt and reverse the damage to our communities and our global life. And, very importantly, you can encourage people to let us know what they're doing so that we can put their location on a map of BC and share it with the national organizers. These maps will be taken to parliamentarians to demonstrate the strong desire of seniors for effective climate action for the sake of current and future generations.
Sep 13, 2024
Seniors 4 Climate
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